Well thats missleading. It may have been at the fully cured state when its setting in their tanks for a few weeks, but the mimnute it is removed from a tank and placed in a box and sealed up that fully cured live rock is starting to die, so therefore its not considered fully cured anymore, so it has to be recured or cycled......That is one issue I have with this webiste and their advertisement of their live rock and the paper they include with their shipments. It is very misleading to newbies. An experienced person would see its not exactly true as they put it in writing, but a newbie is apt to faithfully follow instructions provided and kill his critters. For allpractical purposes yu r going to have to treat it like uncured live rock, which is certainly not a big deal, and a lot better than cycling a tank with a dead shrimp no matter how long a shipment of LR is in transit.