OT: Finish this... I knew I had found the worst LFS ever when...


After moving from Houston, Texas to Gainesville, Florida I decided to set up my tank but knew from undergrad that the LFS in Gainesville would do anything to make a sale. About 3 weeks into cycling my tank I brought in some water to get it tested. Having tested it before I went to the LFS I knew exactly what the parameters were. After the LFS tested the water the gentleman who worked there came back and told me my water was perfect and could put go ahead and put fish in it. I called him out and whenever I was in the store after that I never heard him give bad advice. Damn shame too because the guy knew what he was talking about.


Guy from *****, tried to put Trigger fish with cleaner shrimp..
i thought he was trying to make me laugh..but ..he tried to make me angry..he thought i was angry that he gave me too small one bag for trigger and shrimp together..


Active Member
I knew I had found the worst LFS ever .....
When I overheard a sales clerk telling a customer that was obviously setting up a new tank, that as soon as the water gets "warm enough" it's okay to add some fish.
Customer replied - oh, so I should get one of those thermometer things too then ?"
Employess said "you can if you want to, or you can tell when the heater light comes on and off - it's ready."


Ags, what LFS do you go to in Gainesville. I live in G-ville too and frequent both LFS regularly. The guys at Aquatecture know what they are talking about and will never try to just make a sale. Aquatropics is good if you know who to talk to, plus the owner is a pretty cool guy and hooks me up time to time.
I am lucky that I have good LFS around me. You guys are making me cringe with some of your stories.


I was in a uaually very reputable ***** the other day and they had about a 35 gallon trigger tank with 3 or four triggers in it. there was a net still in the tank on top of an undulate who was trapperd. i told the guy working, and he replied that hes not in charge of saltwater and he didnt know why it was in there. i told him he should remove it and he said that he didnt want to get in trouble...


...you goto the fish section and ask for 3 green chromis and they tell you to look in the dog food department!


Aquatropics. Couldn't tell you the guy's name but he is in there all the time. I agree with you that overall it is a good store but since undergrad ('93-'97) every person I knew who ran salt spoke of how they tried to rip you off (mainly getting you to buy things you didn't necessarily need). When I returned for law school (2000) the memory was still there. But like I said the guy knew what he was talking about and was extremely helpful from then on.


Ags, if you haven't been to aquatecture you have to go check it out. It is on Archer west of 75. Its on the left side of the road a little after the dog park. If you hit Tower road you went to far. Talk to a guy Dave their. He knows his stuff.


I knew it was the worst LFS when.... one of the employees told me that nitrates were okay for my saltwater tank at 150 ppm.


I went into a lfs and the tank said "POLYP ROCK"
I looked in to see small pieces of lr covered with aptasia!!!


Active Member
It's not necessarily a bad store but they had an XL Achilles in a 80 gallon tank..... Doesn't he need 150? :) He was pacing the whole time I was there. Back and forth back and forth. The fish guy even said he didn't know what his manager was thinking. "That fish is pissed.... "


You know, I was at my lfs recently, and they have a clown trigger, maybe 5 or 6 inches in about a 15 gallon tank, with nothing in it but water. What size tank do these fish need? In fact, they also had a LARGE yellow tang, and big as the palm of my husband's hand...and he's a big guy...in a 15 gallon as well. I'm assuming it's a 15. Bigger than a 10, not as big as a 20. He was zipping around that tank 90 to nothing. Very skittish, too. Whatcha think?


Active Member
we try and keep our store educated- and just about all of us give quality advice- but there is one down the street that laughed when i said i had over 130 watts of pc over a 20- she said all you need i one blue and 1 white to keep any corals you want. and a guy in the same store said that condys only live for 6 months- well sometimes i just test people and its funny to hear what they say when they arent sure.
I was down in Detroit with my wife and we decided to stop at a fishstore before a wedding. 15 gallon tank with at least 10 very fat mandarin gobies ($11.99 each), but only about a handful of live sand.
Another place in Green Bay had live rock for $9.99 per pound. Which were small and not very nice. Most of their tanks are about 1 gallon or less and I am not kidding either.
cleaner shrimp $34.99 for a small one
2" clown trigger $199.99
Please share your crack, because you have to be high to think that you can get that much money.
Then our local store in Marquette, Mi is not very nice either.
Acclimation procedure for new fish:
float fish for 15-30 minutes
cut open bag and dump water out into bucket and catch fish in net
dump fish in tank
They had a large Yellow tang that had a very nasty case of ich. My wife told the girl that was adding fish not to put anymore fish in that tank, because there was ich in it. "Ok" as she dumps the new fish into the tank.


Active Member
I gottanotherone!
Me and the fianc'ee were at a LFS on our lunch break today (sick, aren't we) and I saw a tank with three 6"-7" diameter Threadfin Lookdowns in it. A 55 gallon tank.
I actually spoke up and said that "Lookdowns need very large tanks to live" (to not kill themselves). They replied, "That is why we put them in the 55 and not the one of the 29s". :( :mad: :(
it's amazing the things some people do, I think we should all open a nation-wide swf.com store in every city and push out all the bad lfs. Talk about a money boost too I'd work for them :D