OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


I figured that we show eachother so many pics of our tanks and other stuff, but we never post pictures of ourselves. I think it would be cool if we posted self pictures so we get to know better the people that we spend so much time on this BB with.
This is a pic of me and my girlfriend on our way out of Clearwater Beach for a day of scuba diving.


Active Member
ohhh jesus i didnt want it to be that big!
"look at the zsize of that boys head....it's liek an orange on a toothpick!" - so i married an axe murderer
good luck
I'm not terribly skilled at attaching things, but if it works this is me. I actually have 4 feet of hair that is tied up for brunch in this pic.


PhoenixRising, are you Greek? I know that their are a lots of greeks that live in N. Ohio cause that's where my parents are from and I was just wondering :)
Nope. I'm American Indian and German. I know several Greek folks though and enjoy every minute I spend with them! Great people, great food!


You active in the greek community in Clearwater? I went to St. John's Greek Orthodox for elementary (loved the Greek Festival) and my roommate in law school is from Clearwater and Greek. He is pretty active in the community.


Ags, yeah I am pretty involved with the Greek comunity there. I live in Gainesville most of the year because I go to school at University of Florida, GO GATORS!! Up at UF I am the President of the Greek American Students Association on campus. I always try to make it home for the festivals :) Who is your roommate? Maybe I know him.
Skilos, I always kind of figured you were Greek ;) BOO Auburn!


Well, let's just say we let Florida win last week. We were feeling sorry for them after beating them last year. (dont take it personally blondenaso1!!).
Man, I really miss the plains of Auburn. I had a great time down there. I graduated in '94 with an Animal Science degree. What are you studying? Enjoy your time while you are there. It is a great place.
Uhm...GOSH, I'm blushing!:eek: Thanks for the compliment. I need it today. I've been fiddling around with tank plumbing and believe me when I tell you...I am NOT a plumber! God Almighty but that is an exasperating and frequently soaking sort of job. I've learned alot though and can do most of it by myself now. I keep hoping that I've had my LAST plumbing experience when I think of something new to try. (I obviously have WAY too much time on my hands!)
Your sister, huh??:D Me thinks you are FIBBING!
What Nation are you? I'm Lakota on my fathers side and German on my mothers side.


Active Member
Okay not a very good picture. I am the short one. We were in Miami 3 weeks ago on southbeach. edited to say.... my husband is taking the picture.


Here's me and my significant other at, where else, the beach. Long Beach NC spring 2002