OT: Go Cubs !!!


You know why cubs fans get so excited when they are doing well?
Because they very rarely do well!
I grew up on the cubs thru the 70 & 80's
I think they did well in 79 and this year.
I secreatly pray for them !

cool clown

I am pulling for the giants. This is barry's last year. He needs a ring. I think all great players need rings. Sammy still has a few years left.:D


To heck with the Sox and the American League. The Cubbies will never break their curse and my hometown Astros will win again in the NLC.

nm reef

Active Member
Hmmmm....wanna wager on those "out of the play off Astros?"
Being a life long Cards fan its difficult to say this but I hope the Cubs pull it off.Matter of fact I'd seriously enjoy seeing the Cubs go against the Redsox in a World Series...personally I think the fans of both cities deserve it and it would be good for baseball.
Then again ...only as a third option to this years playoffs I would like to see Bonds get his ring...but I'm not so certain this is his last year...he may have a few more left.:cool:

cool clown


Originally posted by NM reef
Then again ...only as a third option to this years playoffs I would like to see Bonds get his ring...but I'm not so certain this is his last year...he may have a few more left.:cool:

If you read ESPN mag. and seen the sept 29 issue he more or less said he done. I hope not but we will see. Also if not the giants I just want someone new to win like the red sox or cubs just not the yankees or braves.


Active Member
I'm with you NM Reef, I NEVER thought I would say I want the cubbies to go, BUT since we couldn't pull it off, I say good luck them. I too hope that its Boston going. It will be a fun series.
I was sad last Saturday after we left the stadium for the last time for the seaon (we didn't have a positive outlook for the rest of the season.) We have been lucky these last few years that we could go to the playoffs. FUN times in STL. :) Now if we can start a "Save Fernando Vina" campaign!!!:D


Not a fan of the national league, but I hope the Cubs pull it out. It doesn't really matter though since the Twins are going to win it all! The Yanks are going to underestimate them and they'll win it all. Man I can't wait to get tickets to the World Series at the dome again!!!!


my brother used to live around the corner from wrigley's...I have been to many a game there. I wish them luck.