OT: Go Cubs !!!


Lovethesea,I Know how you feel. I felt that way about the Braves before Yanks started winning.
Doodle1800, Maybe it should be doodle1918 for the last time sox won series. OOPS, I hope I didnt curse Yanks now. Your turn
Bambino is watching
I wonder how much G. Steinbrenner had to pay to make sure Pedro pitched in the 8th inning? Even though it was obvious that he gave everything he had in the first 7 innings.
Probably a lot. But it doesn't matter, He has the money to do it............
Go Marlins


Active Member
Love listening to (or reading about) all the damned excuses of sore losers... :p
I just feel sorry for that poor Cubs fan who caught that fly ball...I would definitely move to Florida if I were him.


Active Member
HA!! LOL...no excuses here :) Cards just didn't have it this year.
We thought they did but in the end, they just wore out.
The curse of the Cubs has transitioned to that poor guy that tried to catch the ball. He is probably is in the wittness protection program :eek: He did what everyone else in that stadium would have done, and that is go for the ball. Without "interfearing" I would have done. ;)


Active Member
do you think he got the ball? We didn't think he did. We thought after all he went through, and someone else got the ball. I should go back an re read some of the news about it.
I hope he does make mucho money on it some day if he did. He deserves it. Death threats, can you believe that??


Active Member
I think it is insane what people will do over a game. I love baseball, I always have, but trying to hurt someone who did what anyone else in the stands would have done...is assinine. There's nothing more thrilling than catching a ball at a game. I did it at a Tigers game when they beat the Red Sox in Tiger Stadium back in 1988. :)
And the fans will blame everything for the Cubs losing...even a stinkin' curse...but they NEED to blame it on the fact that the Marlins played better than they did!!!


I totally agree sports as a whole have gotten out of control,
way to much drinking and way to many morons on and off the


I am a little late getting in on this, but the Marlins really outplayed my dear Cubs. Baker made the starters throw too many innings and it came back to bite them. I just hope none of these guys get hurt.
About the fan...you really have to feel bad for the guy. It wasn't like he was the only one going for the ball and Moises Alou doesn't exactly have a history of going or those balls. The local media here showed where that guy lives, his name, where he works, and gave his whole life a once over. They really acted like morons and I hope this guy gets a chance to get past this one day. He didn't cause the Cubs to lose three straight.
For now, go Marlins...if I can watch.


local media here showed where that guy lives, his name, where he works, and gave his whole life a once over
I can't believe they did that to that guy. i feel bad for him too. I'd write a letter bashing that news station/newspaper that first printed/told his name. they basically put a bullseye on his forehead


Active Member
the media as a whole can be morons! The Iraqi gentleman that risked his life by walking several miles through the desert 4 times to find someone to tell the US about PFC Lynch was on the news and they told his story. Name, face, where he is, what he's dong.. Can you say:
Dead Man Walking???
Even the neighbors of the Chicago guy went on the news!
The whole family lined up on the couch for the Today Show.
Can't they just say "No Comment" ?