OT: How much did it cost???


I have between 6 and 7k in my 300 gallon, but that doesn't include fish yet. <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" /> <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


New Member
I would have to say i was lucky i only have about 300 dollers in my reef so far. For $75 I got the 46 gal bow-front with all skimmers, bio filters, canister filters, lights, and stand everything but live sand and live rock and everything in the inside fish,coral,ect...


Active Member
Between the 125g reef, 72g reef, 90g fw, and 29g fw at least $10,000.00 US. In over 13 years in the FW/SW/reef aquaria hobby. And I'm not finished yet.


New Member
well i'll tell ya my wife doesn't know half of what i have spent but it was enough for her to say what about me so unfortunatly i had to brake down and put a rock on her hand and say i do b4 i could spend anymore and that was only 2 grand and that doesn't even touch the amount that i have spent on my hobby one 55,90 saltplus 55and 90 fresh god i love this hobby


Active Member
Currently I am reaching the $2000 mark, and after the new lighting system it will be at $2500. Then I will have to get coral, and there's no telling where it goes from here.

david s

I probubly have about $3000 into my 90 a little was wasted in begining when I walked backwards into lfs lol. then I started doing research and fixed it up
I would guess about $4500-$5000. Unfortunatly, some of this was due to inexperience and uneducated advice. I have been told that I have "over-bought" equipment for a 55 gallon, but I try to buy the best and only by it once until it wears out and also when I upgrade tank size, I wont have to buy much more equipment. Now that I have everything in check, I havent had to buy anything ither then sups and feed in over 1 1/2 years.
Mike S. I am sorry, I have tried hard to keep my opinion to myself, but I just cant. The fact that your father would spend that much money on your hobby just explains alot to me about you...your spoiled rotten. If my father would have found out that I was "bothering, irritating, being obnoxious, ect, ect, ect, towards adults....I would have been very sorry. It's all about respect for adults as well as peers. My neice is your age and would never go on the way you do. She has respect for others as well as her pets. She loves my reef tank, and though she does not have a fish/reef tank at all, she researches reef keeping and has actually helped me with priblems I have encountered. She can tell you that you cant top off evaporation with saltwater. She knows what a RO/DI system is and what it is used for even though I dont have one - she thinks I should though. So please dont use your age as an excuse for your behavior. If your father is as interested as you are in the reef keeping hobby, how come he isnt on here gathering the information and "teaching" you himself? JMO. :rolleyes:


2200-2400 for my 29 gallon so far. My wife doesn't know the total so don't tell her ;) . She got a pair of diamond earings. If I build another tank going to cost me a diamond anniversary ring.


$1,600 US dolars (including around $200 of lost fish due to beginners ignorance) and I'm waiting on my tax return to spend another $400 on lighting,what I have now is a joke.I wish the money flowed in as fast as my wishes for my tank do.


What I don't understand is how did the 13 year old spend (in some cases) 3X as much as any of the full-time working people on this board?
I will say that when I was his age my parents had the dough, but NEVER and I repeat NEVER would they spend $9000 on fish! Back then we could buy really nice cars for $10,000. Even though you broke it down, I still don't belive it. You can rake me over the coals all you want..it's my opinion that you are making it up. No one else on this board has spent that much and they are hard working adults who make thousands of dollars a year.


i have $1500 into my systm so far, including $100 dollars in dead fish because i got impatient and this is not a freshwater tank. i am sure i will be spending more as i rushed in where angels feared to tread and now am converting a FO to REEF so there are expense that are notlisted in my sig.


My god you guys can spend some money cant you? I just did a little run down a week ago about how much I have spent and it only came up to somewhere between $300-$500. Between the luck of catching good used stuff for a cheap price and my desire to do most stuff myself I have managed to keep my cost rather low. Not to mention local group gathering where corals are traded. Question: How in the heck do you all get your wives so sign off on all this stuff! Is there a class you have to send them to or something? If so please forward any info to me!


Active Member
1 glass aquarium with all the necessary components: $500.00
65 lbs live rock, 40 lbs live sand and 25 lbs qwikcrete: $400.00
cleanup crew, couple fish, and 4 small corals:
Hours of staring at the tank in awe: PRICELESS!!!


Active Member
Mike S if this is all really true, then post a picture of your tank, and it doesn't matter if you're 15 or 13, there is really no difference in money-making.


New Member
hmmmm sounds to me like a lil rich kid ""snert""
snot nosed emoutonaly retarted teenager
but thats my personal op.


Active Member
$16,000? Are you saying that the total for everyone who has posted, or are you saying that you've spent $16,000? If you are saying you did, did you add a zero accidently, or did you spend $16,000? If so, what is your setup, either it's awesome, or you've been taken.


mike s. is a trip. never fails to amaze me. :p
anyway, my current setup costs me about 800 in equipment and fish. i try to bargain hunt as much as possible. that doesn't count for all the other setups i've had and torn down. also, the foods and supplements count for alot too. and filters, and salts, and airstones, and more corals, and..................... <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" />