OT: How to kill crawfish ?



set up a new tank, put a mantis in the tank, feed crawfish to mantis. ta-da.... good reason for another tank, free mantis food forever, you get to watch the crayfish pay for what they did to your lawn.
OR send them to me and I will feed them to my mantis.
this idea is a winner all the way around. :)


New Member
Why not put up a small 3-4 inch fence...maybe chicken wire just on the edge of your property line. The crawfish would not be able to get over the wire and maybe instead of planting in your yard they will move on to your neighbors or even on the other side of the creek :)


I have an unusually large yard. They woul dmost likely just bury under it anyway. Chemicals is the answer.



Originally posted by LeBoeuf
as soon as these innocent creatures start contibuting to the property taxes then they can stay.

I hear that. Property taxes here are insane.
I've never heard of crawfish building mounds like this, I didn't even know they were here in Texas, I saw a lot of them in Georgia but they mostly stayed in the creek under rocks.
Have you thought of setting a trap similar to a crab trap? You put fish guts in the barred box and they crawl in but can't crawl out.
Works for crabs, maybe not for crawfish.
Just an idea.


the only hard part would be running down a crab box....the one we bought was from a wal-mart in Florida. Worked pretty well.
If any of you saw finding nemo when the lobsters are walking along talking and he goes "Hey bob" to the lobster in the cage that's pretty much the same thing, they make all different kinds.
If I can find our old one I'd let you just have that one, it's well made and we don't use it anymore.
I'll try to run it down before the frag party if you are interested, I'm getting some live sand from Dock to seed my new DSB.
let me know.


Active Member
get a dacshund. they love diggin in holes to eat stuff. I have two. I think they were origianlly bred for hunting out badgers. why anyone would want a badger is beyond me but hey thery are a german dog.


Active Member
You can use my Schiperkee, she will kill anything. For a 12lb dog I find all kinds of dead stuff in the yard.


I used to catch them all the time by the lake by my house when I was younger. This isnt by any means a solution, specially if you have alot of them, but just trying to help. There would usually be two of us, one would actually go up to the hole and actually pump your fist through it and with the pressure the crayfish would fly out of another hole and thats how we caught them, obviously if you have hundreds it could take awhile.......wish you luck.


You mentioned the crawfish don't help out with property taxes and don't have gainful employment.........are you sure your not talking about my kids!!?????
Paul Prudomes Louisana Craw Fish Boil......oh yeah!!!!


Active Member

Originally posted by LeBoeuf
I have an unusually large yard. They woul dmost likely just bury under it anyway. Chemicals is the answer.

Chemicals will run off into the stream and harm the fish and other creatures and get into drinking water in time. Lesley