OT: networking

Got a question for all you techies out there... Yesterday, we bought a computer and a router, which we're trying to use to set up a network from PC to PC using out dial-up network service (AOL) until we get our DSL (in a week or so). For some reason, on the main computer AOL still works, but we can't network between computers and there are no shared files coming up between the two computers. So we bought a hub, and the connection between the two computers is still not happening. :eek: Does anyone know what we need to do to get the two computers to talk to each other and share files? :confused:
We're also using Windows XP on both of the computers.

grimm reef

Hi Jillian,
Since you have XP on both pc's it should be easy as long as you are using CAT5 on both pc's that are connected to the hub, and you have to install Netbeui, and the MS Client for networks on both pc's.
Hope this helps you just post back if you have any other questions

grimm reef


Originally posted by skilos1
Depending on the DSL modem there might have to be some configurations to make

This is the type of configuration skilos is refering to this will aplly to dail-up and dsl. I agree with skilos it may be best to wait until you get your dsl service
Use the XP Networking Wizard which may prompt you to create a disk ...select yes, both pc's must be in the same Workgroup so just give it any Workgroup name, and atleast one shared drive on each pc...so make sure you have file and printer sharing enabled on both machines. Also both pc's must have the same first three ip number groupings (1st pc 192.168.0.XXX- 2nd pc 192.168.0.XXX substitute X with numbers 1-100
Also both pc's must have the same subnet mask
This should work for you.:cool:
Ok i added the netbios thing. I also ran the network setup wizard on both pcs. (again) Ok now I can see pc 2 but not pc 1 in the workgroup. I also can't use the dial-up (explorer) on pc2. The connection is already on pc 1. I think I'll just wiat to use the dsl connection for the internet on pc 2. Thanks for the help. I'll post again if I have questions when the modem comes in.


Active Member
ummm cant go anywhere outside to play with out tcp/ip :)
dont need netbios/ipx.. (not even routable so i dont know why you would bother installing install that (maybe novell users) but anyway, just use tcp/ip (set for dhcp)
your DSL maybe DHCP or static on the connection side (your installer should beable to tell ya that), set both pcs for tcp/ip and DCHP enabled (usally default) and your off..
take the hub back and get a router with a built in hub (60-70 bucks).. more secure and easy to set up
Um,....I'll second it to a point... I'm hoping slothy meant DHCP.
"Ok breakit down for me fellas":
If the hub you bought is strictly a hub (not a DSL router/hub) then what you will need to do is this:
On both boxes you need to configure TCP/IP (like slothy said) so they will talk. You can use ANY IP addresses you want as long as they are on the same network. Lost ? Use and with a Subnet Mask of Ok, now, when the DSL gets hooked up next century, :D , you will need to add a second network card (NIC) to either computer. That NIC will then connect to your DSL router and pull a DCHP address from your provder. Then on the computer with only 1 NIC, you will enter the IP address of the other computer as the Gateway address. And on the computer with 2 NIC, you will need to go to the "advanced" tab of your TCP/IP properties and check the box "Enable IP Forwarding). That will allow the computer to be used as a router.
Ok, on the computer connected to the DSL router, you will need to make its Default Gateway the IP address of the NIC connecting to the DSL router (you can do this by going to a command prompt and running "IPCONFIG". This will tell you the IP addresses of BOTH NICs. Whichever one is not the 192.168.1.whatever address is the DCHP assigned one. VIOLA, it will work (that's how mine is setup).
Take the hub back to the store !!! Buy a DSL router/hub. It will do ALL of the steps above for you. It will be an internal (your home) DHCP server and give both of your computers an address. It will then plug directly into your DSL phone line. The router the provider gives you will be worthless at this point.
After getting IP addresses all hunky dory, enable Internet Sharing on the one that dials to AOL. This works on occasion and should not be relied on at all.
If you have questions, email me (michael.gronholz@verizon.net). And as for the MCSE stuff, yep, I got multiple.


Active Member
mike ya typo :( (fixed it)
most dsl routers ive seen (consumer level) dont have a modem built in... most are stand alones along with the use of the cable/dsl modem that you buy or lease

grimm reef


Originally posted by skilos1
yeah internet connection sharing is crap, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. most of the new routers have authenification for dsl to where you can put in your username and password so that it will recognize who you are and send the ip address to the router. what i have to do at home and what i have to do at school are two different things. at home i have to use the mac address from the modem and put that into the router config so that the router can get the IP address from the cable company. down at school all i need is a client name set into the router config. now with dsl that i used to have when it was available i had to use the username and password to log into the access. it all depends on how the company that you are getting your service runs their connections. if the dsl modem doesn't have a lan out and only runs on usb then you have to get a completely different router to run that through the usb. and it goes on and on. DHCP through a router is by far the easiest way to network computers.

I was about to post something to that effect.
As you can see there is more than one way to get your network running, the configurations can vary depending on type of equipment used and exactly what your needs are and what your ISP accepts "as far as pc settings"
What everyone just posted will work for you, I work as a Sys Admin and I still had to play with my configuration at home to get all my pc's (4), Xbox, and PS2 all sharing the same Internet connection to work like I wanted everything is running off of a Netgear DS508. There is alot of good info in this thread that shold get you up and running.
I see you're local where are you located? I'm in Ft Washington......and work in Crystal City suppporting OSD
Ok I am going to take the router (d-link) and hub back. I am going to by a router that was said in the thread. (i forgot which one but I'll read who had it) I agree that a dial-up sharing sucks I just wanted to test everything before the dsl arrived. I got the hub to work but it doesn't share the connection, or i mean I can't get to. I'm not going to worry about this right now. I'll post a note when the dsl comes in and i get the router to work or not work. :( Thanks for all the help and I'll keep you posted on my outcome.