Um,....I'll second it to a point... I'm hoping slothy meant DHCP.
"Ok breakit down for me fellas":
If the hub you bought is strictly a hub (not a DSL router/hub) then what you will need to do is this:
On both boxes you need to configure TCP/IP (like slothy said) so they will talk. You can use ANY IP addresses you want as long as they are on the same network. Lost ? Use and with a Subnet Mask of Ok, now, when the DSL gets hooked up next century,
, you will need to add a second network card (NIC) to either computer. That NIC will then connect to your DSL router and pull a DCHP address from your provder. Then on the computer with only 1 NIC, you will enter the IP address of the other computer as the Gateway address. And on the computer with 2 NIC, you will need to go to the "advanced" tab of your TCP/IP properties and check the box "Enable IP Forwarding). That will allow the computer to be used as a router.
Ok, on the computer connected to the DSL router, you will need to make its Default Gateway the IP address of the NIC connecting to the DSL router (you can do this by going to a command prompt and running "IPCONFIG". This will tell you the IP addresses of BOTH NICs. Whichever one is not the 192.168.1.whatever address is the DCHP assigned one. VIOLA, it will work (that's how mine is setup).
Take the hub back to the store !!! Buy a DSL router/hub. It will do ALL of the steps above for you. It will be an internal (your home) DHCP server and give both of your computers an address. It will then plug directly into your DSL phone line. The router the provider gives you will be worthless at this point.
After getting IP addresses all hunky dory, enable Internet Sharing on the one that dials to AOL. This works on occasion and should not be relied on at all.
If you have questions, email me ( And as for the MCSE stuff, yep, I got multiple.