OT - No BS Guys, we are going to war ...

Well everyone, today it is official !!! I arrived at work this morning to recieve word that my exit to the civilian world is NOT going to happen !!! The secretary of Defense has put a stop-loss on ALL military personel. What does this mean ? NO ONE will move duty stations or exit active service. Prepare guys, this is NOT a joke in any form or fashion !!! This happens when the is an expectation of loss of life.
Semper Fi
Sgt. Michael Gronholz


Active Member
I'm sorry to hear that you were due to get out now and can't. My son leaves for the middle east tomorrow morning and my step-son, due to be back from his float this week was told Christmas day that he has to stay in Okinawa. As far as I've heard all "out" dates have been cancelled. The good news: you are all three Marines, the best we've got. :D


The men and women who serve this country in the military do not recieve the amount of credit or respect they deserve. Thank you for protecting our freedoms and way of life. We will pray for all of you who serve this country.


We are all hoping this still won't happen. If it does ,we all wish you Godspeed and we are and will remain forever grateful for your service.


Active Member
My father works for the Dept. of Defense. It is going to happen way sooner than later. God be with you all. Stand strong and proud for YOU are the tip of the sword.


Active Member
Hey Mike! You take care of yourself, OK? Stay safe!
First thing, I didn't even know you were in the military. Second, to return the...er um...favor (heh heh), if you need someone to "sit" your anemone, let me know! :D


Active Member
Man. That is serious, whew. When the time comes... Good Luck Mike. Overcome, and adapt, it's a matter of survival. USMC, semper fi. Once again, good luck man. :cool:


Active Member
My heart, support and prayers are with all in our armed forces.
I was in DC during the gulf war and did a lot of pro-troop rallies and the like. Out in front of the White House all the time with my flag :D Some anarchist threw red paint on it and me. :mad: :mad: I'm still there in spirit though. And our Marine flag was very popular :D Met lots of Vietnam vets out there too.
Bless all of you guys!
Semper Fi


Active Member
I heard it was being proposed, but not that it was approved. Men and Women - age 17-26, or something like that.


Active Member
Hi Guys,
Im here in the UK and we have just called up a load of our reserves and announced we are sending a few squadrons of jets over to help you guys.
Look after yourself out there, we'll al be thinking of all the brave military service men and women.
No draft !!! SoD Donald Rumsfeld made that VERY clear when he made that statement. Our forces are plenty strong to do what needs to be done. Just remember:
We can drill for oil on top of glass as easy as we can sand. Just need a different drill bit !!!


Active Member
Shouldnt we be a little more worried about N Korea who have openly declared that they will announce a state of war against you guys if you put sanctions on them?! I appreciate Iraq is a threat but, and in all fairness, UN inspectors havent found anything... as a Brit there is nothing more i want to do then kick sadamns A$$ but gotta remember, the US cant police the world, thats the UN's job. Very few countries have more weapons of mass destruction than us brits and you guys!
But for fear of creating an internatinal incident, ill shush now!:p
N Korea is a whole other story. They have alot of mouth on them BUT, unlike the middle east, EVERYONE is against them. There are no simpathetic countries. In the middle east, some countries will let us run humanitarian missions, but no air strikes. Other countries that helped us for Kuwait, said "not this time". Too many simpathizers.
N. Korea on the other hand, what are they going to do ? Launch on us ? They would be a pile of rubble before their stuff entered our airspace. We have defenses, they don't. S Korea and Japan are behind us. China is undecided. China is a bit fearful of more sanctions, but as long as they aren't affected, I PERSONALLY think they will be a non-threat.
Times - you bring up a good point about policing the world......BUT.......no other nation relies on the world or spends as much on imports as the US. WE spend more on imports per capita than any other nation out there. So when one weirdo burns oil fields in the middle east, WE feel it more than anyone else !!!! When N. Korea says "we have nuclear capabilities" who has the world RELIED on to stand up and say "take them apart"? It isn't the UK, it isn't Canada, it isn't anyone but the US !!! We tried not to police the world during WWII. We sat back and took NO side. Then Japan hit us. Needless to say, we won. So since if we sit back, we suffer, we HAVE to stand to show we mean business.
JUST FYI - Anything I type is MY PERSONAL opinon as it relates to world politics and beliefs. Just had to say that.
I am on active in the AF, and have not heard that stop-loos was back in effect. Are you in anothe branch, and could this be their policy solely?


Active Member
Interesting points Mike...
However, I think you will find when it comes to imports, the European Union has greater imports per capita. However, it is irrelevant, but must remember that US cannot isolate itself with laissez faire policy (wasnt it Hoover or someone who had that?) and it so happens I agree with you, but as far as oil is concerned I disagree with you. Prices on fuel in the UK is 12 times more expensive, which is what making driving in your country feels so great on holiday :D.
Yes I now agree they are serpate issues, but with North Korea you have to think beyond your own borders, they will target innocent civilians in South Korea, havent you seen Die Another Day! LOL. Yes I know it is more or less the UK and you guys (oh and Israel...bless) against Saddamn but lets not get too hasty...there are many innocent civilians in there :(
Oh and just watching the news, Tony Blair has announced he is sending much of the UK naval fleet;)