OT: One of those days


Active Member
Here is the pictures of her in her box. Sorry she is such a ham but it took a little while to find the digital camera, and then I could not get any candid shots of her. She would love to e-mail you. If you would like to get an e-mail from her e-mail us your address at skschneiderNOSPAM@adelphia.net Take out the NOSPAM part of the e-mail address.
She has already writtne to a soldier through her school. But they do not expect him to get the letter for about 8 weeks. However here in Southern California we had some horrible wild fires and they took a collection for the fire fighters. She gave all of the money that she had in her back pack to help the fire fighters. It was a total of $0.85 but you could tell that she was very happy about it. So she would very much like to send you some e-mails if possible.
BTW. I have not served myself but I have had the honor to know several Marines. I also had the honor to hire somone who retired from the Air Force.


Active Member
Here is the second picture. Yes the house is a mess, but since I am currently out of work we just let the house go during the weekend and I clean it up during the week. I hope this helps you out of your funk. I thin she is as cute as the dickens. But then I might be a little biased.


Active Member
Carole, are you challenging me to a cute off? (reference to the movie Zoolander and the walk of in that movie)
1. Remember we are trying to cheer up this Marine who is having a bad day.
2. This contest is open to all members of this site.
3. The pictures cannot be something that you found on the internet. It should be pictures of your actual family members (cousins and nephews are welcome, but bonus points are awarded if is your child)
4. We are trying to show this Marine what he is over ther for.
5. You cannot turn left.
So I will start, these are old pictures But you get the idea.


Thanks for the pics they are definitely good to go thanks to everyone for the kind words. I will gladly write to anyone who would like to be written and my email address is Joseph.Kepler.VCMain.C5.HQ.Army. Mil I know it is an army site but I am attached to an Army unit for a while thanks again!!!!


Active Member
Come on all of you proud parents, don't make me carry this thread by myself. Altough I could with my kids. I will have to break out my scanner and scan the picture of my daughter in her sombrero wearing sunglasses with a pacifier in her mouth.
BTW Cool pics