OT Recent debates over SUVs


The next thing to be attacked will be 18 wheelers.
Hi I'm Bob I bought a twinky and supported Terrorism..By buying a twinky I supported the fact that fuel has to be bought to deliever this to me Oh yea my TV to watch these cheesy commercials supported terrorism too.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: .


I agree with the whole stupidity of oil usage supporting terrorism... and singiling out SUV owners as to blame, what about all those Stock and Indy cars running around in circles for hours on end, yeah that's an excellent use of fossil fuel eh?
I'm willing to bet that there truly was a couple of people involved in this ad campaign that meant well... willing to bet they headed off in different directions when the absurdity came to be. I honestly believe it started out to not so much go after those with SUV's but any vehicle that would fall into the gas guzzling catagory. There was something similiar to this line of thought applied to pleasure boaters several years back... should have heard them all up in arms. Lot less boats out there than SUV's so nobody really cared,hehe
I think it should cause us one and all to think though for a sec... think about all the waste that goes on. Since this was about SUV's originally.... hey I have absolutely nothing against them whatsoever! I've owned several... owned them when I needed them though. I've lived out in the boonies before where roads were poorly maintained, plowed and otherwise and it meant the difference of me being able to go to work or not...no work, no money, you all know where it goes from there. I live in Metro Chicago and have for many years now.... we have snow plows on our garbage trucks in case the regular plows have too much to handle and enough salt in storage to turn Lake Michigan BACK into an inland sea..... we also have concrete and asphalt for days. Trust me, a Navigator is not an essential.
Why do we need cars that can do 150 miles an hour, I bet where you live the speed limit is 65 too. Now, shifting gears here, how many of you would just turn the water on at the faucet and just let it run to I dunno, hear it run.... if your kids do that would they get yelled at or asked why? Would you explain to them what a waste it is.... like leaving all the lights on in the house when you aren't home. Most of us grew up with that being told to us constantly... leaving the room, TURN OFF THE LIGHT! Think about how many things this applies to in going about your everyday business. The food that gets thrown out in a day at a restaruant blows my mind, what a shame.
It's just about waste in general is all I'm getting at.... think of all the electricity spent running your tanks.... for those that are not attracted to the hobby at all, bet you they think it's all a waste but you own it and like it so you defend it. It's what we do....
I'm going on here way too much and I'm just as guilty as anyone else hanging out here.... I do think about it though and I do try to make a difference, that's all I wanted out of my post here is to make people think and maybe do something themselves to maybe save on something here and there...
If you are an SUV owner and I just got you all whizzed, well I don't care because you missed the whole point of what I was saying.


Active Member
Its kind of ironic, but i searched that detroitproject website for some time trying to find a contact button. Interesting, but the only two ways to contact are the site administrator to report problems . . . and (drumroll ) TO DONATE MONEY!!! This sounds like a way for some idiot to take advantage of other idiots.


If that were true.... I single handedly gave BIN LADEN EVERY DOLLAR, and I'm only 23! lemme draw you a picture
1984 s10 4x4
383 BUILT V8
350turbo Built for towing
50 mph top speed
6 miles to the gallon
8 downhill with an act of god and a tailwind =)
1 flag on the rear window all stars and stipes
If i punch it I can leave a 45 ft mark on the rears.
#2 may it RIP
198? Dodge ramcharger 4x4
440 Big block
dual 4 barrel
8" lift
44" superswampers
4 miles per gallon
6 miles per galon if i babyed it
front and back plow
2 flags on the back on 1 rebel 1 stars and stripes
Both of those saved my life on more than one ocasion. and lets not forget these beauties I own/ want/ used to own
1984 Camaro
back halved with 454 punched out to 500.
full blown street leagal drag car (was daly driven before I sold it)
and my dream
1972 Oldsmobile Cutlas Drop top 442
need I say more???
1992 Honda Civic (dont laugh)
there is more oil on my drive way due to this car than the exxon valdez spilled in alaska.... but hey it get 25 mpg right =)
I am a tried and true AMERICAN! I will drive AMERICAN whenever i can and all this BS about SUVs is just that BS. even though I don't like them you have THE RIGHT to drive them. that is part of being an american... just because the curent trend is to blame everything on terroism or to say that because I don't like it it leads to terroism DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT! you have a choice ! That choice was given to you at birth by your forefathers! and the LAST THING we need right now is to stop buying american and put money into other people/countries pockets! There is a reason we are in a resesion and it is because of small minded no balls polotitions like this one who have a flock of sheep that will bend to thier every whim. and want to giv4e everybody else our HARD EARNED CASH! So I for one chose 1!
anyways sorry bout the lenght just getting sick of all this BS


BTW found this... Lets use it to mail them our treu fealings... I have a feeling it is a dummy account that will automatically forward the mail to the big three and george bush... but either way use it as you want
Knowledge is power if you know how to ask you can get any answer
Courtesy of


I agree we all should be able to drive whatever we want. The bigger the better right? Anyway, I just wonder what is going to happen to us when the world oil prices go up. I remember when they were a dollar and that was just a few years ago. In just a few years I would not be surprised if it cost over four dollars for a gallon. Just remember, the fate of the V8 is in our hands.


Active Member
Ugh. I have a Tahoe with big tires and about a 35 gallon tank. I think. I dont know. But I do know, I only get like 10 miles to the gallon. And I dont care. Because I love my truck. People just need something new to throw into the mix so theyve decided to bring up persecuting SUV drivers again. Ugh. How about all the SUV's the government, both federal, and local use? People who gripe about SUV's drinking too much gas, and feeding terrorism, are the same people who drive Yugos and complain that SUV's lights are too blinding. Sorry. I dont care though. As long as I can find gas, and afford to fill it up, I will drive my SUVs. They have been around for almost 50 years now. So have terrorists. So have the countries that control oil supplies. No one's ever whined before.:mad:


Active Member
if i didnt have my lifted jeep grand cherokee...
i wouldnt feel safe up in the snowy mountains!!!


Active Member
well if you feel guiltly about driving an SUV, just think "atleast im not driving a hummer"
Not to stir up anymore controversy, but it would be unimaginable if we didnt have any gas. Complete anarchy would arise. No gas = No trucks = No food being sent = Me hungry = Me angry = ARRGG!! SMASHY SMASHY!! GIVE ME WHATS LEFT OF FOOD! Hamburgers beware, NO HAMBURGER IS SAFE!!!


Viewing the responses here warms my consertative American heart. I'm glad that the public (us, that is) is not as naive as the think tanks try to make us out to be.
In the whole view of this, we have to be careful not to lose sight of the bottom line here: people hate America because its not the way they envision the perfect world. Hey, too bad. Learn to get along with others. We may not like sandy streets and no running toilets, but hey, we let it be if thats the way you want to live, right?
Live and let live, and leave my Jeep out of it. Its insulting that some people feel I would in some way support terrorism by my choice of vehicle. The only way I can see that being the case is if I put an Iraqi flag on the hood. And thats it.


Active Member

Originally posted by glazer
There was something similiar to this line of thought applied to pleasure boaters several years back...

How would I get my boat to the lake without my SUV?


Active Member
This thread cracks me up -
The person who totaled a small ford with her SUV - what would happen if there had been kids in the back seat?
For those of you involved in 4x4 Hobbies such as spending time in the mountains or snowboarding I totally understand.
What cracks me up is here in lower-suburbia I see people in the F-350s who do nothing but drive back and forth to work (I know - I've asked them). I have a little two wheel drive Toyota pick-up and I use it to haul top soil, gravel, etc. Hell I had a buddy who has a F-150 who had me pick-up mulch in my truck because he did not want to get his dirty. If you need to go off road and into dangerous areas - by all means - but otherwise .....
For those of you delusional types who think that Detroit is researching alternative fuels I have to ask WHY?? They would have to re-tool their assembly lines, re-train their employees, and spend billions of dollars to change. They will not do this to be more ecologically sound - they would have to be forced to do it by the government. By spending some time on research and some money they meet he government requirements and can say - hey we are looking into it Oil producers have one of the best financed and well run lobbying groups in Washington - so I do not see extremely tough legislation happening any time soon.
Remember this is the same lobbying group that has driven electronic streetcars out of every city except San Francisco.
If the Detroit Project wanted to focus on something they should focus on the overhaul of public transportation!!
Yes - every vehicle now requires fossil fuels - but please - how many of you who own/drive SUVs that have used them for their intended purpose - to handle difficult off road conditions and as rugged work vehicles?
Driving around KC in the winter I enjoy nothing more than being passed on icy roads by an SUV doing 55 or 65 on ice/snow packed roads then seeing them in the ditch a few minutes later as I come around the curve. (yes I generally stop and see if they are OK and offer them the use of my cell phone).
Also - I worry that I see so many in experienced young people driving these huge vehicles with little driving experience. Yes the parents may feel safe but for those of us who can't afford huge vehicles as personal armor I worry!!
The Detroit Project wanted to get people talking - and it looks like they have.
Last thought - what if we applied all of the logic you have dictated to the Salt Water Fish hobby? It is ours because we are American and deserve what we work for .... Bigger is best (all for that)..... Conservation is for whiny liberals ....
Just some thoughts .....


Active Member

Originally posted by overanalyzer
The person who totaled a small ford with her SUV - what would happen if there had been kids in the back seat?

I would say that her kids would have been safe because their mom was smart enough to buy a vehicle that didn't crush like a coke can when hit.
:D well...i'm sad that i cannot say that the largest suv cannot support my every day family 1 wife w/associated makeup bag, 6 children w/2 stroller and diaper bags, 1 dance gear bag, 3 basketballs, 1 set of drawers for extra diapers, wipes, and clothing (for the inevitable emergencies that daddy has to take care of:eek: :rolleyes: )
even before the last child arrived, i had learned that "mini-vans" were good if you only had 2-3 kids, and got 20 mpg. i am now the proud owner of the "maxi-van" chevy 15 passenger van w/ the back seat removed for trunk space. and i get 11-12 mpg. but we go in relative comfort and nobody complains much anymore.
nah...what kind of car does she drive any way? even if she looked at the clothes that she wears, something is made using the petro product in some way, shape, form.....dangit don't turn on the lights martha! we're making payments to terrorists!;)


Active Member
My wife and I belong to a Jeep club(because we off road, in pre-setup parks). I drive a Bronco(that I love) because I snowboard, and I am now researching buying a toyota hybrid. They get 70 miles to the gallon, they only cost 15k used and they keep the oceans, rivers, mountains and streams cleaner. I will still use my Bronco for getting back and forth to Tahoe, but for around the city Hybrid hear I come, and if any buddy or any soccor Mom in a ford, chevy, hummer rear end me...well I assure they will be paying for my next 220g Reef tank;) Oh and if you think your gas money does not support terrorism look at the nation of origin for all those 9/11 hijackers, and look at how much money Saudi Arabia was donating to suicide bombers in Israel. It is America though so.......~Your Car~Your Choice~


I drive an SUV too and as soon as I pay off my wife's Passat I['m getting another one. The liberals who complain about our oil use supporting terrorist countries are the same ones who stop us from drilling here in the US and keeping our money in our own hands and giving millions of people jobs etc. Here in Louisiana everyone was thriving until they kept putting restrictions on oil until it got cheaper to buy from overseas and now we are the armpit of the nation:(


Active Member

Originally posted by Wrassecal
I would say that her kids would have been safe because their mom was smart enough to buy a vehicle that didn't crush like a coke can when hit.

Wrassecal - I sincerely hope you meant this as a joke. I meant the woman in the smaller ford. If the driver of an SUV was at fault and rammed a car then killed anyone sitting in the back seat the driver of the SUV can be charged with Vehicular Homicide.
At the very least the driver of the SUV would have to live the rest of their life knowing they killed someone because they wished to drive a status symbol.
Personal Opinions here:
1. All SUV's should have to require a special drivers liscence and require a road test.
2. All SUV's/Heavy Duty Trucks should have an additional federal tax. As the vehicle ages the tax should go up as most engines decrease in effeciency with age. (farmers should be instantly removedfrom this tax)
3. Drill Louisiana full of holes - ---- the ground and the indiivduals working/living there .... seriously - take all American Oil and stop our dependence upon foriegn oil!!
4. Raise the gasoline tax - a full dollar - I am all for debt reduction - all proposed tax money should be split 3 ways - 1 pay down national debt - 2 towards increased pay for teachers (not just towards school) 3 Establishment and improvement of public transit
I think Broncofish starts to touch on the point - Saudi sponsored terror is huge ... how do Saudi's get their money - OIL. I think as long as the US meddles in the Middle East we will have a no win situation on our hands ....


Active Member

Originally posted by Wrassecal
I would say that her kids would have been safe because their mom was smart enough to buy a vehicle that didn't crush like a coke can when hit.

"I'm sorry Mr. Johnson your wife and two kids died because you don't make 50thousand a year to afford a Diatsu Monstrocity"
Give me a break.
"I live by myself, and have no children, so of course I need a truck that seats 12, and can drive across the Tundra" (form Grand Theft Auto 2)

cap'n pete

As usual, some politician takes up some "great cause" and tries to tell everybody how wrong they are. And yes, I drive a 1995 Jimmy and at work I drive a 1995-1998 Ford Crown Vic equipted with a 350 Police Interceptor. That's wrong? How about all our great leaders kissing all the richies @sses, "Yes, Mr. Suadi Arabian Sheik... we realize that if we stopped buying oil from you it would send the region into utter chaos and you would get real poor, real fast". Isn't the Middle East already in constant conflict? And then we have all our politicians doing whatever the big companies ask, because money talks and BS walks. Seems to me that there is a fuel out there called ETHANOL, you know... the stuff made from corn. Burns clean, creates good power (just like alcohol burning funny cars!), would rely on a fuel that Americans could produce and profit from. How about a ethanol hybrid, using self produced electricity at low speeds and ethanol at high? But wait, that would make sense and then Mr. Sheik would get all upset and start blowing us up and we would have to spend millions on home defense and then..... HEY WAIT A MINUTE!