OT: Tipping on Carry out Orders.


I do tip well - For one I, like 007, did my time in an underpaid wage job when I was in college. But mostly because now I can afford to and why be petty when you can give back?
Besides I know better now - those who give really are the better off for it.


It's not like they keep bringing you COKE or Pop!

My poll theme cool i never though there would be so much fighting, lol.
i would tip, but i cant have delivery, Marcos Pizza doesn't deliver into my area. lol.


Active Member
Of course people that have worked as waitstaff before would say that you should tip for carryout or dine in - they get more money that way.
I have lived on both the East Coast and West Coast, and except for the rare occasion do not tip for carry out. Nor have I known anyone who has done so. If I were to tip anyone, it would be the cook. Waitstaff does not have to do anything for carry out, except maybe grab the bag and put it on the counter.
I'm sorry to all who feel otherwise, and I don't want to anger anyone. However, tipping at the rates that are typically given are dependent on full service - including running back and forth, filling waters, bringing more food, etc...that simply isn't involved in takeout.
Again, just my take on the matter.


Active Member
The way I look at it if A person wants a tip they earn it. If I show up and they say "Here's your food, that will be $25.00" Then no tip, but if they say "Here is your food, is there anything else I can get for you...or would you like some extra ____, and we look forward to seeing you again when you can dine in" Then they get a tip. There is this one mexican place here in town, they know my name and they know I am going to get a glass of horchata to go, so everytime I show up there is a cup waiting, extra guacamole and hot sauce already in the bag as well as napkins and a straw. I tip about 20% at that joint. It's all about how hard they work for me, after all they are in the business of serving the customers. Tips are not given they are earned, I have been known to tip huge, and small.


Ouch, I used to feel shafted if I had a 10% tip! I've always gone by a minimum 15%, and 20-30% if it was fantastic service.


We dont tip the cooks for making the food. Im not going to tip the person for answering the phone, taking my order and handing me a bag even if they did put it all in the bag.. Thats why the price for meals are soo high, so they can pay their employees. Tips arent expected for that around here. If i was going in and sitting down, yes i would tip. if the place I order from charged a delivery fee, yes i would still tip the driver.


Active Member
Working in the restaraunt industry myself i always tip!
if service is bad 3 bucks at least. If service is good i usually tip around 8 or 9 bucks.
I know what it is like to make 2.13(texas) an hour. sucks. being a lowly 40 hour a week dishwasher i sometimes pull more money in two weeks that our servers do.
Just be a nice person and add a few bucks. Its not that hard to do.



Originally posted by 007
IMO/E It is one of the most difficult jobs on the market

Sorry but I think I have to disagree. Experience also. Just my opinion.


Active Member
Personally, i tip 1/6 adjusted up or down for the quality fo service i get from my server. I hold nothing against them for a busy night or for a screaming kid. I will however deduct for giiving me someone elses well done steak(from the other side of the restauraunt), being rude AND I piety the server who makes me go hunt someoen else down so I can get my drink refill. As I said, I adjust up or down based up on the service the server provides me and my take is no service no tip. Therefore my walking in and getting my things and walking out constitutes NO service. As mentioned, they just answer the phone and hand you the bag, half of the time they only do one part of that and another server or employee would have done the other part(s)
I understand the wage issue, but why should I tip this server for merely taking my mmoney, when the hostess answered the phone and the cook bagged it up. In that case, we should go back and tip the cook and the hostess instead, RIGHT? I work on a commission and know very well what it is like to struggle on some weeks. BUT I in no way whatesoever expect to get paid for not performing and just being there. AND I really wish i got 2.18 an hour to at least help thru the weeks when I sell nothing at all. Instead, I have to budget and compensate to get thru till the next weeks pay. I do feel for those who rely on bonuses(like tips or commissions) as wage but I do not pity them for not geting paid for services they did not perform. I actually went 2 full months without getting paid at all. So hard luck stories like that would not bother me one bit. Fortunately for me I am darned good at what I do so 2 months did hurt but was managable and I have made up for the loss very well. One draw back is that I have no income to rely upon, on the other hand, give me a customer and I can make a months wages inside of an hour on some days.like last week, I sold a truck that brought a commission of almost a grand(I was paid for my services, not for just being the one at the register when the door was opened. And at the same time I am working on another wchich is nearly as large So in 2 sales I can make it thru the month AND I dont plan to stop there I intend to sell several more this month. Not every car pans out that way, but I do very well on 6 or more sales a month and my goal is 9.


Active Member
I do not tip on carry out - it is like @ chipotle they have a tip jar - at a fast food style place?? C'mon folks ......
I do tip well (Always 20% unless service is bad) and I have been known to "forget" an item at the table and go back and cover for my father-in-law (consistent 12% tipper).
I also tip delivery guys unless I get charged for delivery. Don't order pizza often enough to worry about it and it is easier for me to pick it up.


Don't order delivery often? All I can say is that I miss the "Delivery Butler" doesn't cater to my area any more :(


first off...i'm a bartender in AZ, we get $2.13 / hr...so we live for tips. as far as to go orders, maybe not the 15 or 20% you'd leave if you sat down and ate in the bar, BUT we still pack your to go order, which takes us away from the bar and the people who do ( for the most part ) tip us. in general, people don't tip on to go orders, but they also have to wait longer, and b/c NOBODY tips on to go's...don't come bitching at me when you don't get bread....or extra ranch....:D


"AND I piety the server who makes me go hunt someoen else down so I can get my drink refill."
give me a break...chill out your just having dinner, is it really worth getting that worked up about?
"and the cook bagged it up"
BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! the cook bagged it up...yeah right, cooks don't bag to go orders....trust me.
"AND I really wish i got 2.18 an hour to at least help thru the weeks when I sell nothing at all. Instead, I have to budget and compensate to get thru till the next weeks pay. I do feel for those who rely on bonuses(like tips or commissions) as wage but I do not pity them for not geting paid for services they did not perform. I actually went 2 full months without getting paid at all. So hard luck stories like that would not bother me one bit"
but i don't get paychecks, after taxes and such my checks are voided, $0, screw bonuses, tips are my wage.
BTW-TIP comes from the term To Insure Promptness, and was originally done BEFORE the meal. you don't have to tip, and i don't have to give you service...


i've waited and bussed tables at one point or another inmy life. I've also worked the carry-out too. It may be different but carry-out people typically made whatever minimum wage was. They were not subject to the smaller hourly wage. Personally I tip 20% when I go out and eat unless service is bad. On take-out, I may tip a uck or 2 if the food is ready when I get there. Pizza man gets 2-3 bucks depending onhow quick he gets there. Just my personal standards.
Side note, I worked at a famous resturaunt in Tampa for years. The waiters go No hourly wage. There was a 12% gratuity added to every bill in lieu of hourly wages. Waiters made a killing too bc tips were usually 25-35%


I voted yes. I agree with everything 007 said. However in Oregon There is no offset provision, so wait staff recieves full minimum wage. Also it's adjusted every year on January 1. Minimum wage in Oregon this year is $7.05 per hr.


Active Member
Heck no I don't tip for carryout orders.
I don't tip at Burger King for them putting my food in a bag, and I don't tip for Chinese food in a bag either.
I don't care if they give me extra soy sauce.
If the place want's to offer take out - then they should offer it without expecting a tip.
Cost of doing business IMO.
Pizza guy always gets a couple few bucks .
Basically we don't get carry out from nice restaurants very often.
We normally sit down and eat it there .... then tip accordingly 15-25%
If we're going to eat it at home - we cook it at home :)


Active Member

Originally posted by broomer5
Heck no I don't tip for carryout orders.
I don't tip at Burger King for them putting my food in a bag, and I don't tip for Chinese food in a bag either.
I don't care if they give me extra soy sauce.
If the place want's to offer take out - then they should offer it without expecting a tip.
Cost of doing business IMO.

My sentiments exactly, why should it be different for anyone else. If you don't tip at burger king, mcdonalds or chinese food takeout, why would you tip for takeout just because it's a nice restaurant? When I do go out, I tip at least 15% and if service was excellent 20%. Delivery person always get 2-3 dollars from me. JMO
btw- I don't know of anyone nor have I heard of anyone that tips on carryout orders. This is something new to me.


Carry out and delivery are two different things:
The expectation of personal service with carry out is zero, so I don't give a tip when I drive to the restaraunt and pick up the pizza, chinese or whatever.
On the other hand, if someone delivers, then I tip since I like to reward fast service (getting the right items in the right condition). Note that this is a reputation thing which builds between me and the delivery person. Today's tip ensures tomorrow's good service.


Active Member
I ALWAYS tip at the very least 20% at a sit-down, and delivery guys almost always get more than that so they don't ejaculate in my next order, but I never tip anyone if I have to get up and drive to get it. If they want a tip, then they need to get some drivers delivering IMO. My fiance has a favorite chinese take-out place, and I never tip them when I drive to get it, but I would if they would deliver it......the only one that did anything was the cook really, and when I was younger, I worked with some chefs that were making 30+ dollars per hour....they don't work for tips. My fiance is also an assistant chef, and she rarely gets tips since she isn't really ever out where people are eating. Basically you have to actually DO something to get a tip IMO. Answering the phone, writing it down, and giving the bag to me isn't enough to warrant a tip IMO.


Active Member
I can't remember if it was local or national, but a few years ago a girl got herpes, from Taco Bell I believe it was, because this very thing occurred.:eek:

That's what made me think of that.....it actually happens.