first off, and i don't have any facts to back this up, but i've seen a study that found that serving is second only to heavy manual labor ( i.e. construction or landscaping ) as far as work being hard on a persons body. anybody that thinks its easy has never worked as a server.
i think i should reword what i said earlier. at my restaurant the bartenders take, ring in, pack, and cash out to go orders. you don't have to tip, and most people don't. but remember, you are competing against any given number of people at the bar who are tipping us...guess who takes priority and who waits...
"So if you don't have to give service then what exactly does your job entail as a server, or bartender"
my bar is filled with regulars, and being a bartender people get a drink and pay, then the tip...or don't tip. if you stiff me or leave me a quater on your first round, i'll look right past you to my regular who leaves $20 everytime she comes in, or the guy that's giving me a buck on each round. believe me, i won't lose any sleep b/c some cheap ass who doesn't tip sits with an empty drink.
i can't wait until i'm done with school so i don't have to deal with this crap. its funny to me, people act like giving a couple of bucks extra for a tip is the end of the cheap, i'm just glad that i don't live my life like that, of course i make more money then most of the people my age (27aghhh...) who have graduated.