OT: To windows XP users


XP is awesome! I have used win 95 (horrible) and win 98 (possibly worse) for years and Win XP is 10000 X more stable than former two. As far as Mac's go I thought we were talking about computers not garbage. Ohhh, did I say that out loud ? :p
I too am an IT guy. I recieved a very interesting email from a Microsoft rep that was out discussing AD domain migration strategies with us. I was asking about some of XP's short comings in AD. His response to me POINT BLANK was (and I quote):
"It is our general recommendation, that you NEVER use a Microsoft OS until it has at least 2 Service Packs."
Now, bear in mind that this is a CORPORATE DESIGN ENGINEER that is a blue badge MS employee (that means his check says Microsoft, no contractor).
Just thought I'd share. And buy the way, if you can't see the differences between 2k and XP, yank the power cord clean out while the machine is on. With 2k you will get a blue screen and probably lose whatever you HAD, with XP, no worries. You can't see the differences, but they are different in the background.

reef fool

Active Member

Originally posted by reef fool
Mac is a whole other thing. A friend of mine works for IBM and refuses to use one. He has a Mac and swears by them!

Just going by what I am told on this one! Maybe my friend should be commited!


For windows use Mozilla as your browser. It has a button to check that stops all ads.
It is open source port of Netscape.
As far as OS goes. Linux all the way. I don't worry about all of those virus that the Windows people have to.


I run XP at home and love it compared to Windows 2000 that I am forced to run at the office. XP is much easier to navigate. I have never had a problem with it and I have had AOL for 5-6 years with no problems either. After reading all these posts I guess I am just on a really looooooonnggg lucky streak.:)
I run this all on a Dell Dimension 8200 with a 2.4 gig processor on an AOL DSL modem. I never had any problems, are you on high speed or dial up?


that is strange, are you running 8.0 version of aol? if so, I have no idea, our set up is almost identical and I have no problems.


have you tried to un-install aol and then re-install it? usually this fixes gliches.


ok - I actually work for Microsoft - Marketing - not on the design side so I don’t know all the technical details, but here's a chance for some direct user feedback.
pls. let me know why - with specifics - you think XP sucks.
Please include basic system specs - proc/ram/hd
XP is built on W2K - so it should be more stable with greater driver support. Additionally - I think the latest SP updates for W2K would include most of these drivers if you prefer w2k.
If you just want the look and feel of w2k in XP - go to control panel/display/appearance - and then click to "classic" view. it's not as "bubbly"
mikegronholz - i'd be interested in seeing that email ;)


Active Member
The only bad thing I can say about XP is the price.. But then again, all OS are expensive.


I Absolutely love my XP. I also love how it has USB support without rebooting. I've used alot of Windows OS's and I like XP the best by far.
Also, on the mac's, not sure if this is true but i heard that back in 96 or 97 when to pentium 133 was out mac already had a 300 out..no proof for that though. I also know someone who swears byt them though reef fool.



Originally posted by arkman
pls. let me know why - with specifics - you think XP sucks,

Well I dont have all day but but here is my .02. Iv had to reinstall xp several times because it has crashed my system. 2000 did not. XP uses every bit or memory you have weather it needs it or not. 2000 dosent. I work in a school distric with about 3500 users, 9 campuses all WANed with cisco. We use many programs that absolutly will not run on XP, but will on 2000. These are programs that upload stuff to the State. The crap O xp activation Sucks. 200 dosent do this. I had to rebuild my computer several times as stated and after the third time it would not let me because I had exceeded my installation times. I had to call microsoft and talk to someone from somewhere that I could not understand and them trying to give me a 75 digit code to reactivat after explaining and deep interogation why I was installing it for the 4th time. For a school district this really sux and we will never use it. Not to mention I lost 6 years worth of financial data on my wifes computer DUE to XP. I could go on but Ill refrain. :mad: Personaly I grew up on mac. I dont like it anymore its crap but definatly way more stable and harder to hack than any microsoft product.


Active Member
Simm brought up another thang I hate!!! The fact that If I reload my puter, I have to call Microsoft for validation.. That really pisses me off.


hehe man I was furious. ALSO when installing XP it takes a snap shot of your computer and sends that image to microsoft. You install XP on another computer it takes the snap shot and sends it to microsoft. The servers there compare the 2 snap shots and notices its not the same computer as origionaly installed on so now its not activating. Well I had installed XP on a computer. Fine and dandy then the MB fried (probably xp) so I built my wife a new computer and tried installing XP. well cuz it wasnt the origional computer it wouldnt activate. So now Im screwed. I have xp sitting here and cant install it. I understand keeping people from pirating but this is rediculous. Im not totaly aginst XP. I like it IF You have a darn nice computer that will support it. Anything less than the best of computers IMO just will not work right. Last thing. With the activation thingy.... School Wide license activation SUX. ok off my soap box now.


i think the activation is a little far too.. i change alot of parts and am almost constantly upgrading.. i'd buy a copy if it wasn't for the activation.


i have a program for that, i leave for comp running for 2 weeks straight some times(download stuff). On my anti virus, theres a pop-up blokcer too, havent had a pop-up in 6 months.


OK - I agree that activation may be inconvienient but it only exists due to massive piracy.
Yeah, and I'll agree that the more horspower the better on the computer. In you dont meet reccomended spec, stick with 2000.
Simm - 6 years of financial data - without a back up?


Active Member

Originally posted by RyeBread
Thanks Wamp..........
I have been annoyed by those things for a while now and it was a simple fix. Good work McGuyver.

this is what i did to your pc that one day... ( i thought i did it on the new one too ? )