OT: Where are all of you guys from?

I am located in West Los Angeles, right off the famous Mullholland drive. It seems that there are more East Coast reefers then West Coast. Is there a East Coast Reefers vs. West Coast Reefers Rivalry?


Active Member
No rivalry here..........you sorry sack of ...........uh nevermind. I am from Cincinnati OH. Home of the Cincinnati Bungles, fiery riots, and of course the most important..................me.:)


Active Member
I live next door to Dorthy and the Tinman here in the ol' cuntry of shawnee kansas:D - I live in the city and no i dont have any livestock:)


I'm from cincinnati, but rye already stole my thunder on the bengals and the riots... but he forgot the pigs....yeah we have pigs, flying ones
there were hundreds of these at one time, all painted different and unique


Howdy Yall! I'm from Waco, Texas....yes some call it Whacko. Ever heard of my uncle David? He was a nice guy till......
Southeast Michigan.......Just south of Detroit
Actually, I think we have a lot of MidWesters on this board, not just the coasts.....

p fish

military Air Force, stationed in Fayetteville NC, I'm sure y'all have heard about this place on the news........that was Army :)