OT: Where is the best place to host website?


Active Member
Hi to all, Just a quick question, where is the best place to host a website. I have had a couple before, but would like to make another. Any ideas? Thanks in advance! Lisa


Active Member
krUnk, Really?
Question, my hubby asks what you do in Vassar? He used to be a sand hauler and used to go there very often to pick up sand.
Your about a 45 minute to an hour from us...How cool! Lisa


Active Member
Thanks everyone!
krUnk, Hi, I can e-mail you some pics of my fish and a couple of our reef tank, Iam going to be doing some shopping for some new corals, we lost several due to a hairalgea blume. So I haven't taken any of the tank itself recentley.
Here's my e-mail, blueboomer@msn.com
You probaly won't see to much of me during the week, I run daycare at home and don't have much of a chance to come on during the day hours. Lisa

reef fool

Active Member
That is one BEAUTIFUL tank!!!!! You have renewed my passion for a large FOWLR tank in the wall! Excellent Job!!!

reef fool

Active Member
I highly recommend Geocities if you want to do it yourself. They give you great tools to use to make the site. If you have seen my site, I only put about 5-6 hours total into it and about 2 hrs. of it was fixing things up to make it more user friendly to those that don't have the benefits of a cable modem ( or other high speed access) like I have. Check it out, they have a free walkthrough. If you need help, I will be glad to assist.