OT you know you're a fishaholic when...


sinner's girl

you know you're a fishaholic when...your boyfriend knows the best place to ask you to marry him is at the Aquarium of Americas in New Orleans. though we weren't in front of the fish..the moment was in the tree in the Amazon...
I'm changing my screen name, since he says i'm no longer just his girl, i'm his Fiancée (he loves saying that word). so I'll be Sinner's Fiancée.
Do i have to re-register to change my name?


Active Member
congradulations, and you used ot be able to just change your name, but they have changed the software and i am no longer sure


Active Member
I don't think you can change it under this new software. Sorry. :(
If your a true reefaholic you'll invite your fish to the wedding. Just make sure their not around for the honeymoon. :D
Best wishes on your new engagment.


How about dragging your new spouse to the Oregon coast aquarium on your honeymoon. Do I qualify?
Luckily, my wife likes fish too, but I think she would like them more if they didn't cost so much time and $$$$$$$. I caught her reading one of my new books on corals tonight, so, I think she's weakening *insert evil laugh here*.
Congrats on the engagement! Getting married is the best thing I have ever done. Probably the smartest too!
Best wishes.


Congratulations to both of you!!!
You could leave your screen name as it is.........I've been married for 30 years and my wife is still "my girl"!!!! :D :D
All the best!
when you have 3 fish tanks, you have a yearly membership at montery bay aquarium.
You screen saver and your desktop background are fish, you dream about them sometimes.
When it gets a certain time the fish go crazy because they know it is feeding time.
You feed the fish when you eat.
Well I think that is about all I do but I am not 100% sure.
:) If I think of more then I will let yall know.


Congrats on your engagement, I will be getting married next June, so I'm in the same boat, and VERY happy about it.....thank goodness....my fiancee' likes the aquarium "thang" as well.....

sinner's girl

Thanks all,
He likes fish too so it's good. He doesn't mind spending the money on them (so far it's all been his money anyway).


Active Member
Congrats--but remember, you WILL ALWAYS be his girl now, so maybe no need to change the name. When's the date? I just got married in April so my advice is just relax with the plans, it all somehow works out. :) With the wedding money, maybe think of a bigger tank LOL! Congrats again :)


Active Member
Congratulations! and I agree with everyone else..stay Sinner's Girl cause that's what you'll always be. May you and Sinner have many happy years with the fishies (and each other);)

sinner's girl

:) :) :)
Our fish won't be on the honeymoon with us, but there will be fish...
the date won't be till after he grads grad school in summer of '03.
we wanted simple, just our parents and his bro and sister, now the talk is "but so and so will be hurt if they are not invited" one day doesn't mean as much to me as the rest of my life, maybe it's selfish or wrong but i'd rather spend money on a bigger fish tank than on a big wedding. the plan is to get married on a friday, go stay at a nice hotel in New Orleans then my parents will have a big blow out party for everyone and anyone.
i don't want to stress over it. i've got two years to plan/ think about it.
Thanks again!


Yeah, my fiancee and I had the whole "they will be hurt if they are not invited thing, so we are doing the big wedding at Embassy Suites and all that jazz, oh well, at least we are getting to "do it up". Good luck, and make sure you don't get too freaked out, or it'll ruin everything......we used to stress over the wedding, cuz its in less than a year, but we have realized the important part is that we are committing to each other forever, and not what the theme is.


Active Member
Congrats! I just got married myself about a month ago, and it's the greatest thing that ever happened to me. Maybe you guys could go register at a LFS! LOL


august 31 is 1 year of marraige for me. It has been amazing, every second of it. She doesnt care if I spend money on Fish or coral or inverts, she doesnt like to spend money on lighting, pump, supplements, and that stuff that she doesnt see and enjoy. So she goes and buys something for herself and everything is good again.
We went the small route 26 people in my bestfriends backyard/garden. That is small considering my father has 15 bro and sis. And her for has 11 bro and sis. That doesnt include are mothers sides and all are friends. It would have been well over 500 people....chills just thinking about it.
We had 3 receptions 1 for my family 1 for her family and 1 for are friends. SOOOO many gifts it was great.
Good luck and have fun


A sincere congratulations. You are so lucky. My partner might look at my tank...ummm never?... once every few months. Glad you are so happy.
Lol -- I'm a reefaholic... my tank and I don't need *her*. (kidding of course).