I had surgery today. In 2006 I had my gallbladder removed and apparently it didn't heal properly and caused a hernia at the incision. Not fun having internal parts poking through! So anyway, Monsi took me to the hospital at 11:50 to report in. I had THE most painful IV given I have ever had. I've never had one in my hand before. I actually cried out in pain and then just plain cried. So anyway, it was outpatient, left the hospital at 6:30pm and came home. Hadn't eaten since midnight the night before so was a bit hungry. Then I tried to eat and my mouth was so dry I could hardly swallow. Went to bed for a while and was back up at 10pm. Now here it is after 3am and I'm up. Why would that be? Wel I took more pain meds at 1am and they STILL haven't kicked in. I'm exhausted but too uncomfortable to sleep. After my gallbladder was removed I felt great. I felt like I hadn't even had surgery. This is so different. Both were done laproscopically, I don't understand why. I asked if they could pierce my ears while I was out but they couldn't Too bad, it's about the only way I wouldn't be too chicken to get them done LOL.