
New Member
We have a 40 gallon saltwater tank, it is almost a year old. We had some bad luck on our first attempt with fish. We purchased a fish at the LFS and it had ich, long story short all fish died. So the tank has been sitting empty but has been maintained for the last seven months. The tank has 40lbs of live sand and 60lbs of live rock. yesterday we purchased 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 clown fish and there are 5 mexican turbos and 15 hermit crabs in the tank. Our brother has been giving us advice and set up the tank, we are looking for others opinions on equipment and what type of corals we should start with. The tanks equipment includes a whisper hob filter, hob protein skimmer, 1 power head, coralife vho light. How much water flow should we have in our tank? The tank has good coraline algae.



WOW...that rock looks scary...lol. Is that rock secure? What type of protein skimmer is it? I think you should have at least 1 more powerhead....what size is the one you have?
Is that an anemone? What type of lighting do you have?


Originally Posted by natejana
Coralife light hood and ***** powerhead at 225gph.thinking about getting rio powerheads
I would look into the Koralia powerheads....soooo much better
so was that an anemone I saw???


Active Member
im really not 100% sure about what kind of anemone that is but if its a condy, you may need stroger lights or give it back to the store. it starts loosing color you should take it back. I know that btas can be kept under pc (i have two in my 29g).


I've never said this to anyone before, but I can't say that I'm a fan of your rockwork. You migth try pulling them off the back wall and making some tunels out of them for the fish to swim through. they look like dead ends into the back glass right now.
Other than that, don't go crazy buying too many fish too fast. for each thing you put in the tank it makes ammonia from it's waste and that ammonia has to be broken down by bacteria. so every time you add a live creature your bacteria has to catch up. Adding too many too fast is disasterous. Take it slow.


New Member
The anemone in our tank was a Condy..we thought it was a bubble tip..thanks for that great eye!! He killed two of our clownfish, we ended up taking him out of the tank. Our lighting setup, however is a T-5 Aqualife lighting system. Does anyone have suggestions or had any luck with a certain species of anenome?? Right not we have a Yellow Tang, a percula, a Coral Beauty, and a Royal Gramma. My husband loves anemones, but of course not at the expense of the fish. As for our rock setup..there is room in the back of the tank..and we are working towards getting more rock for caverns and to fill it out more...however everything in moderation..as money doesn't grow on trees ; ) LOL We put two more power heads in..that was a great idea! Thanks. In more tips and suggestions would be great!


Active Member
Originally Posted by natejana
The anemone in our tank was a Condy..we thought it was a bubble tip..thanks for that great eye!! He killed two of our clownfish, we ended up taking him out of the tank. Our lighting setup, however is a T-5 Aqualife lighting system. Does anyone have suggestions or had any luck with a certain species of anenome?? Right not we have a Yellow Tang, a percula, a Coral Beauty, and a Royal Gramma. My husband loves anemones, but of course not at the expense of the fish. As for our rock setup..there is room in the back of the tank..and we are working towards getting more rock for caverns and to fill it out more...however everything in moderation..as money doesn't grow on trees ; ) LOL We put two more power heads in..that was a great idea! Thanks. In more tips and suggestions would be great!
You have a yellow tang in a 40 gallon?
That's way to small a tank.
How quickly did you add all that? You need to add fish slowly, so your bio filter will have time to catch up to more waste.
And you need to quarantine, if you aren't.
Can't help you with the anemone.