
Active Member
Originally Posted by SocalNano24
Kiefer, I have a frogspawn in my 24 gallon nano. I originally had it on the ground and nothing happened. I now have it up about 12 or 15 inches; and it is in higher flow. It has gone from 2 heads to 4 in about 4 months.
It looks like meowzers is elevated as well.
I feed it nothing, because I've never noticed it actually hold on to any of the food I feed my anemone or fish.
thanks for the advice. I will try that. :)


Active Member
A buddy of mine has had one for years and has fragged of 100s of heads. I have some in my tank now and hope it grows well too.

gill again68

Active Member
My FS was doing really great and now one of the heads seems to be irritated or something. Its pulled back into itself. This all started when I added that tube anemone. I wonder if it stung it? Im gonna try feeding mysis. Bought some the other day. I have been feeding exclusively a frozen food that my LFS makes. Seems to do very well.


Active Member
Check you calcium levels they need this for building the skeleton structure.
Low to moderate flow, just enough to have the tentacles swaying in the water. If it gets too much flow the tentacles will not extend fully.
Medium to high light.
Feeding moderately withe small shrimp or other meaty type foods. Try to place the food close to the mouth with the current in the area off. Remember very small pieces.