Overflow burping


Title sounds a little strange but I have a75 RR and on my drain to the sump, I get a burp or gurgle about twice in a minute. Any ideas? Its loud and annoying:notsure:


do a search for "stockman standpipe" and you'll see numerous threads on various designs. It's simple to make and will make your overflow whisper quiet.



Originally posted by Hondo
do a search for "stockman standpipe" and you'll see numerous threads on various designs. It's simple to make and will make your overflow whisper quiet.

I have a newer oceanic and they now come with the durso. The problem is when it drains to the sump..


Not sure I am following what you are saying as a gurgling "Burb" sound should be eliminated by the durso/stockman. when you still get this sound then you usually need to widen the air hole in the top of the durso/stockman.
The only other thing I can think of is to lengthen the PVC so the delivery to the sump is just barely under the water surface.


Thanks Hondo. I know I'm probably not describing it right. Let me try one more time. The water flow down the flex hose, and flows into the sump. Everything flows great, but about twice a minute, where the flow is, it sounds like blurp. I'm pretty mechanically challenged. :rolleyes:


I had the same problem on my tank. The hoses from the drain to the sump were to long, so there wasn't a straight shot to the sump. I got some zip ties and secured them to the top of my cabinet and lifted the drain hoses so there wasn't any low spots. Ever since then I haven't had any gurgling. I could have switched the drain hoses out for shorter ones, but I had already glued them into place and didn't want to replace them.



Originally posted by jdogg2432
I had the same problem on my tank. The hoses from the drain to the sump were to long, so there wasn't a straight shot to the sump. I got some zip ties and secured them to the top of my cabinet and lifted the drain hoses so there wasn't any low spots. Ever since then I haven't had any gurgling. I could have switched the drain hoses out for shorter ones, but I had already glued them into place and didn't want to replace them.

Bingo! I think thats it. The hoses they supply are for a hang on overflow. Thanks.