

New Member
Yo!!!! Now I have 1 clown, 3 blue/green chromis,1- 6 line wrasse, 1 firefish goby, and a solar wrasse annndddd all of my 12 corals in a 29 gal biocube!!! Water parameters are ok, w/c 5 gal twice a month, intank 3 tier system in the back.

I don't think you necessarily have too many fish or corals, but from the looks of that tank, maintenance is not your strong suit.
You can tank a tank with 2 fish in it, over feed them, and let the maintenance go for a couple of months and have what you are dealing with.
Three times a week guys, AT LEAST change your filter media and clean the algae. Water changes every 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
o poor chromis...this may sound lame but i love these little bugers, they r so active. They love feeding time when they zoom around! ya better cut em loose though i would have to agree

Yes, you have too many fish. I would do away with the Chromis.
I think you need more cuc..NO MORE HERMITS though
go w/ snails
as far as maintence deff change filter media some time and i rinse mine every now and again. Also clean the equipment....pumps, heater, thermomter, ect.


New Member
Actually, as with my other 150gal I used to own, I let the hair algae and other grow in one location to keep it off of the rocks, etc. Yes, I change my filter media, I have an intack media basket that holds my chemi pure, purigen and filter media. I have 40 sq ft of filter media, oh yeah and poly sorb, good stuff. I only feed my fish evry other day. I have a friend with a 300 gal wall unit, my water parameters are much better than his. Guess I have a green thumb for aquariums.


The hair algae growth in itself means that your water parameters are not perfect. Hair algae, will however make your parameters give you a false good reading, but bottom line, if you have hair algae, you have a phosphate issue.