

I had 3 fish and they all died.
First I had 2 tank bred ocellaris clowns and they died after 20 days and they looked good with no signs of illness.Then I bought a talbot damsel like in a month in a half and it died in one day.What sucks is that I don't have a test kit.I tested my water after the clowns died and all they said was "the water is good".

bang guy

If you have adequate water circulation then there's no way it was oxygen deprivation.
You might try to gain insite in the Nano forum. 10 gallon tanks are very difficult to maintain IMO.


Active Member

Originally posted by obarrera
I had 3 fish and they all died.
First I had 2 tank bred ocellaris clowns and they died after 20 days and they looked good with no signs of illness.Then I bought a talbot damsel like in a month in a half and it died in one day.What sucks is that I don't have a test kit.I tested my water after the clowns died and all they said was "the water is good".

what about the Salinity?
How are you adding evap water.
In that size tank IMO you should drip even the fresh water back in, as even a little will cahnge you water.
If you dump it in real fast, it's a shock to everything in there.


My salinity it's 1.025......actually that's the SG but o'well.
I add evaporated water like every 5 days and I do it very slowly,I've never seen my salinity change from 1.025 to 1.027 or anything like that.
I already posted my problem at nano-reef but they say I need a damn test kit,and I know I test kits are very important but I don't have the money to buy one right now.If I buy one it would be a salifert one and those are so expensive.


You've lost several fish that I'm sure cost more than a test kit would...do yourself (and your future fish!) a favor and buy a test kit next, before investing in any more fish...this way you can make sure all the parameters are right before investing in more possible victims...Bang Guy is right, it is an expensive hobby but well worth every dollar spent if it's spent in the right order


Active Member

Originally posted by obarrera
I already posted my problem at nano-reef but they say I need a damn test kit,and I know I test kits are very important but I don't have the money to buy one right now.If I buy one it would be a salifert one and those are so expensive.

Your preeching to the chour

FW is a lot less expensive and easier to maintain.
But if your dead set on SW, then not having a test kit is like never doing oil changes to your car..
It will only be a matter of time before your engine goes.



Originally posted by VickiCJ
You've lost several fish that I'm sure cost more than a test kit would...:)

Actually I got the two clowns for 10 bucks and the talbot damsel for 7 bucks,I don't think a 17 dollar test kit would give good readings.Just to let you guys know Im not gonna buy any fish anymore untill I get my other tank.

bang guy

You don't have to answer to us :)
We're just here to give our opinions on what we believe might work best for you.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
You don't have to answer to us :)
We're just here to give our opinions on what we believe might work best for you.

Im just letting you guys know.



Originally posted by chriscobb
Buy a test kit!!!!! It's worth it's weight in gold. How long has the tank been up and running???

Im not buying a test kit untill I set up my 40 gallon tank(maybe it sounds stupid but I just can't buy one)
The tank has been running for 3 months.