Parameters after water change????


Yesterday I completed my first water change. I had to remove close to 3/4 of the 55 gal. as my tank was not level - Yeah, I know now!!!
Anyway, I completed the first tests after the "drastic" change and would like your opinion. First, as I said I have a 55 gal. tank, with appx. 65 lbs. of LR, and 60 lbs. of LS. two fish, a Coral Beauty and a tomato clown, variety of many snails, a couple crabs, a CB shrimp & a cleaner shrimp.
OK, here's my latest parameters:
Nitrite= .25
What do you think? Do I need to do anything else? I just ordered Salifert Calcium & Alk. test kits - so I don't have those measurements yet.
Thanks for any input!

sinner's girl

removing that much water with fish isn't that smart, but I guess you had to do it. But next time, remove the water, then put the same water back in the tank. (only add some fresh saltwater, not 75% fresh saltwater).
test Nitrite again. if your tank is cycled you shouldn't have any, but you did remove 75% of the water, so that may cause problems.
Keep a close eye on your inverts and fish and keep testing the water. If you have qt tank, move whatever you can over. You don't have am which is good.


The tank has been up around 9-10 weeks.
Really had no choice but to remove enough water so that I could lift it, for the shims. I din't think I could use the old water- though I did find that out after it was too late.
Are you saying I should remove some of the s/w and replace with fresh RO, the retest?? If so, appx. how much?
No QT available.

sinner's girl

I'd retest now. Just to make sure you didn't get a false reading.
See if your nitrites have gone up or down, see if you have any amm. Nitrites aren't as deadly (or so bang guy says) so you might be okay.
I wouldn't do another water change just yet unless you have to, since you just took so much out. If you nitrites get too high, then I guess do another water change (i'd say, no more than 25%), but if you're going through a mini-cycle, then wc will delay the cycle, but help your fish/inverts live.
What were your test readings before the water change? Did you have any nitrites?


All the parameters were perfect before the wtaer change. In fact, I was waiting for them to deteriorate, that's when I thought you were supposed to change water. However, I learned at this site, that the water change was more of a preventive maintenance thing ,and since my tank had been up & running for nearly ten weeks, it was suggested by some here, that I go ahead with it.
I'll check again, and let you know within 30 minutes or so.


Are Compact Flourescents and Power Compacts, the same thing? I'm looking to buy this set, which I'm told are 260w, but the term flourescents have me wondering.

sinner's girl

some do regular water changes. I don't. I test. If my nitrates are above 20, I do a water change. Sometimes I'll do one anyway if I know I won't have time for awhile or if I'll be gone for awhile, but since the tank is in Sinner office, with computer and electronics everywhere, it's not easy.
Since the water was good, I'm going to say that moving 75% of the water did it. Did you move any lr around? was any of the lr out of the water for period of time?
how are you fish and inverts acting? If they appear stressed, turn off the lights (that will help a little).
I know nothing about lights. I have whatever come with the tanks, and currently the 75gl is running without lights since the lights tried to burn the house down and Sinner hasn't fixed them yet.


I did move the LR that was not coered by water, to the LS - so that it stayed wet. I didn't remove the LR from the tank.
I'm testing now - should know in a minute or so!


Hi Sinner!
Nice name by the way!
Just completed testing - Ammonia still 0, Nitrates are less than .1!
What do you think?


Sorry, I missed your question about the critters - they all appear well! Looking like they want to eat!

sinner's girl

Since the nitrites are going down, you should be okay. I was thinking there might be some die off from the lr if you had it had out of the water, but I guess not. I still wouldn't feed the tank just yet. Keep an eye on the nitrites, if they go to zero, then I'd say it was safe to feed (don't want to add anything to cause your nitrites to go higher...)
My only guess is that taking out 75% of the water caused it. But I'm surprised the fish/inverts aren't stress from the water change. They'll be your first clue (other than a test result) that something is wrong.
About the name, my husband signed up first as Sinner. When I signed up, I used Sinner's Girl, so people wouldn't be confused when we were talking about the same tank. but he never comes on here anymore.


Active Member
They do sell that liquid stuff to replinish your bacteria. Can't think of the name right now but I had to put some of that stuff in my tank before. Maybe someone know what it's called in here....Good Luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
They do sell that liquid stuff to replinish your bacteria. Can't think of the name right now but I had to put some of that stuff in my tank before. Maybe someone know what it's called in here....Good Luck!

TLC for Saltwater Aquariums is the stuff I use ~ 100% bacteria. I use the stuff regularly and like it a lot.
Denise M.