parents divorcing, what the hell do i do?

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by LazyPinoy
oh man, i hope ur kew (alright). well i guess i dont kno whos fault it was then. i say i dont kno because im raised in a culture where the treat ur elders w/respect is greatly emphasized (filipino culture) and me doing tsomething that u did... well lets just say its more than a few punches. its funny though that other cultures like mexicans, blacks, asian, have their kids are used to being physically punished and such and well i heard white people use the time out method and to be physically punished or so diciplined is such a big shock for their kids. sorry for the rant but i i hope everything works out for you though. maybe a sorry could fix everything you kno?
same!, i'm not a filipino, i'm as white as they come, but my parents were raised NEVER to EVER disrespect an elder, never punched, but i've been belted in the @$$ a couple times for sayin stuff like that.
Sharkboy, glad you're ok, but if i was havin that convo, i woulda just let the great aunt fight for me, sounds like she was just helpin you out, and my dad woulda belted me for that to., and teenager is the worst time for divorcing parents, if you were really young you wouldn't know the difference, and if you're an adult you understand and help work things out, but as a teen you can't do anything at all, but i hope it all works out for you, you'll be in my prayers.


Active Member
well i dono if i could say sry, hes left the house and is staying somewhere i dont no. aside from that ill say i couldve acted diff but theres no excuse for what he did right? i mean he couldve just yelled at me, that woulda been bettr than physical action right?


I am also raised to respect my elders and by asking her NICELY to stay out of it and by saying PLEASE, I in no way feel that you disrespected her.
That is NOT a F$@#^%g excuse to beat your child. And I cannot believe that some of you accept that as a justification!!!!! :mad:
The father has serious issues that he is ATTEMPTING to deal with.
And apparently his way of dealing with them is to beat something with his fists. Now there is a REAL man for ya.
He needs to get an actual puching bag instead of using you as one.

Is there anywhere you and your mother can go to get away from him?

Or at least get a restraining order?!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by tinysmajick
That is NOT a F$@#^%g excuse to beat your child.
I do not condone the raising of a hand to a female for Any reason, but Shark being a young man this was not a "beating"..Yes, he may have issues that Will lead to worse things, but airing it out here instead of at a police station may say something about the problem...


Originally Posted by watson3
I do not condone the raising of a hand to a female for Any reason, but Shark being a young man this was not a "beating"..Yes, he may have issues that Will lead to worse things, but airing it out here instead of at a police station may say something about the problem...

That is a possability.
So, are you saying that because he is 13 years old and has a

that he is subject to being assulted?
As opposed to a person whose reproductive organs are are the inside?
Just trying to clarify here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tinysmajick
Is there anywhere you and your mother can go to get away from him?

Or at least get a restraining order?!!!!
read the first sentence of my last post, hes gone. and watson what is it u mean by the last sentence of ur post


Active Member
Originally Posted by tinysmajick
That is a possability.
So, are you saying that because he is 13 years old and has a

that he is subject to being assulted?
As opposed to a person whose reproductive organs are are the inside?
Just trying to clarify here.
THis is tricky...No one should hit anyone under 18..I do believe that after that you are able to fend for yourself..However, it should never happen to a female..


Yes, but is he gone for good?
I would still look into a restraining order.
I personally, from what you have told us don't think that you have anything to be sorry about.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
watson what is it u mean by the last sentence of ur post
No one here can help you if you do not help yourself..Get someone involved that is not on a message board thousands of miles away..

30-xtra high

Active Member
quote - asking her NICELY to stay out of it and by saying PLEASE, I in no way feel that you disrespected her.- end quote
that was not respectful, no offense sharkboy, but that was a lose lose thing to say, doesn't matter if he's tryin to be nice, or how he asks it, can you stay out of it is not respectful.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
that was not respectful, no offense sharkboy, but that was a lose lose thing to say
Agreed..I think alot of "older" people on here would agree that in the stomach is much better than across the face..


It is tricky. And a very sensitive subject.
But the fact is, that by his profile, he is 13. 13
Now unless he is a large 200#, martial arts disiplined 13 year old with a 120# undisiplined father, what type of defending could he possiably do?
Besides the fact that it is his father and he doesn't want to disrespect him, I'm sure.?
I don't know. It is sad.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tinysmajick
Besides the fact that it is his father and he doesn't want to disrespect him, I'm sure.?
Maybe you missed what got him hit...


Originally Posted by watson3
Agreed..I think alot of "older" people on here would agree that in the stomach is much better than across the face..

It shouldn't happen either way!!!!!!
The boy is 13!!!
He probably was just trying to keep his aunt out of the equation for her own good.
And what would "respectfully" have been?
Keeping his mouth shut and not trying to help the ones he loves around him?
That's right. Cause that is how the real world works isn't it?

NOT. Some believe that he is old enough to take and give a beating but not old enough to express himself, right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by tinysmajick
And what would "respectfully" have been?
Keeping his mouth shut


Active Member
while ill thank all the ppl that have responded w/ condolence and advice ill have to ask the mods to reclose this thread as i have sorta gotten the point, my dad had no excuse to hit me, i was mildly disrepsectful to my aunt.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tinysmajick
Best of luck.
Always stand up for what you believe is right.
So few people do these days.
You are so out of it..It is in no way "right" to stand up to your parents..Even sharkboy acknowledged this..Good luck Shark, keep in mind that you do have options


That's right, because that is how the world works.
You go through life keeping your mouth shut and not standing up for what you believe is right and everything works out for ya.
NOT! you have to stand up for what you believe in otherwise you will just get kicked around and wind up nowhere and beat down by everyday life.
You are quite delusional.
Yes, sharkboy may have been faulted a bit, but nowhere near enough to be assaulted by his father.
You're right he does have options and so does his father. Let's hope that he choses the "right" one next time.
And hopefully it isn't up to you standards of "right" otherwise this boy may wind up in the hospital.!!!