parents... please read!!!



Matter of fact there is, however it is very unreliable, and may also contain some of the neighboring Slavic nations and there adaptations of the words.
Take the word Fire. We can make just about anything out of that, just put fire in front of other words right. However in Croatian when you make the other words down the list I made, they are entirely different words. They simply do not use the same word Fire for everything. Notice there are 17 words that mean fire!!!
fire : ispaliti, oganj, opaliti, oštećenja, otpustiti, paljba, plamen, podjariti, požar, pucanje, pucati, revolvera, udar, upaliti se, vatra, vatrogasci, zapaliti
English Croatian:
fire brigade~ požarna brigada, vatrogasna brigada
fire department~ vatrogasna služba
fire detector uređaj za otkrivanje vatre
fire dump~ praskav plin, zapaljiv
fire extinguisher~ aparat za gašenje požara
fire fighting~ gašenje vatre
Fire Fighting School~ Vatrogasna škola
fire hazard~ opasnost od požara, opasnost požara
fire hose~ protupožarno crijevo
fire marshal~ vatrogasac
fire protection~ protupožarna zaštita
fire risk~ opasnost od požara
fire station~ vatrogasna stanica
firearm~ vatreno oružje
. Drives me crazy.


Active Member
um...I don't know what to say (in coration that is)
seems complicated. More so than english.
show off


i think its just his.. i just found this on someones blog spot. quite hilarious. I would like to do the following.
Meet this boy and shake his hand (so he doesnt get an idea that somethin funny is going on)
When he reaches out to shake my hand... Kick him square in the balls. Then call him a tool.


Active Member
actually we need this kind of people around to do the hard labor.
they exist and continue to exist for a reason.


im pretty sure after he flunks out of college and loses his football scholarship from hazing some freshman, he will be bagging my groceries. so yeah.. heres to you buddy!
(closest thing to a drink i could find)


Active Member
Originally Posted by snailheave
actually we need this kind of people around to do the hard labor.
they exist and continue to exist for a reason.

Someone needs to take my order at BK or McDonalds and it may as well be this fool.


i doubt he is even a male model. HE is probably just some stupid highschool kid that is extremely narcissitic. thats all.


Active Member
This may fall into the category of: "It seemed like a good idea at the time".
10 years later--Can you imagine someone dredging a photo up like this of YOU???
(We need a new smiley that is laid back like this kid!!)