For some reason I've been havin problems with micro bubbles at the top of my tank, so I thought I would turn everything off and turn each piece of equipment on one thing at a time to see what was producing them. Well, when I shut everything down (HOT Mag, Millenium 2000 w/ topfin cartridge, skimmer, and two powerheads) the water became totally still (obviously). But I noticed tiny particles of "stuff" all throughout the water column. I thought that maybe this is what i thought were my microbubbles, but when i fired it all back up, what i truly am seeing are microbubbles. so what is all that floating junk. is it normal? I thought maybe it was fibers coming off to the topfin cartidge so I pulled it out, but they are still there this morning. Maybe it is just dust? Can anybody help? Thanks!