Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)


Active Member
okay so i should be getting my lights today!!!!
my question is am i ready for corals? it has been 8 weeks this monday.


Active Member
well i dont have any of those tests. everything else is perfect. 0 and 8.3 ph.
but when i had a 55g i didnt have any of those and my corals grew faster than i could keep up with


Active Member
You are almost there, get the test kits. Make sure your levels are suitable for coral. And then the fun shall begin


Active Member
Really depends on what you are going to keep in the 10 gallon on what test's you will need. What kind of coral? If no SPS or clams then a consistent 10% water change per week will replenish any parameters that are out of whack.


Active Member
i wasnt planning on anything big this weekend just like a frag rock of shrooms or zoos. just to get a little something in there. if thats not okay im fine with that but i didnt think it would be a big deal. i will get those tests soon tho


Active Member
Don't want to go back through 17 pages. You started in October? What is in the tank now anything? Did you get your new lights yet? If not what light are you running right now? Your parameters are all 0 and Ph is 8.3?


Active Member
i started on the 13 of october. i have a clown fish and 5 snails. i am getting my lights today. 108 watts of T5 HO's. nitrates trites and ammonia are 0. my ph is 8.3 8.4 right around there


to be on the safe side i probly would wait until you came back from break. that way you know the tank has gotten a little bit longer to establish itself. i was always told you have to wait on or around 6 months before you should start looking for corals. but that is what my LFS told me a long time ago, so idk if thats true. if you did get anything i would say a small zoa if that. but that is it. i would finish your fish stock and CUC before i bought corals.
did you ever fix that filter?


i am gonna take a guess if i remember well enoguh he said like 3 weeks ish. but he was thinking of taking it in his car( i think) so idk what he is really doing.