Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)


Originally Posted by 1990jpyj
there wasnt anything really in the tank to eat them. at the time i only had 2 clowns and a firefish. so i never could figure it out. i looked everywhere, filters, CC, rocks. nowhere to be found.
it was the boogie man


Active Member
Not sure how you do your water changes Patrick but if you use a tube to siphon, use it on the bubble algae next time. Just cover the bubble(s) and move the end of the tube around to dislodge them. If they break it is okay as the spores will be sucked up with the change water.


Active Member
thanks for the tip spanko!! but is bubble algea bad? i wasnt really planning on getting rid of it unless you think it would be for the best. thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by patrick8929
thanks for the tip spanko!! but is bubble algea bad? i wasnt really planning on getting rid of it unless you think it would be for the best. thanks!
i think bubble alge can be a bad thing. I think when it gets poped it spread really fast. Could be wrong


Active Member
yupp bubble algae is bad Ju-Ju..............when it pops it spreads the spores and gets everywhere. I have read that emerald crabs eat it but do not have specific experience with this. Easy just to get rid of it when you can.


Active Member
If by pull out you mean without breaking the bubbles, yeah. Even if you take the rock out and scrape them off, if they break and you don't rinse the bejeesus out of the rock it will be undesirable. Just wait until your water change, you'll be okay.


Active Member
yay new Lights!
as for the bubble algae, i had a bad red bubble outbreak and ended up returning the rock it was on. I didnt try the syphon method but i did try taking the rock out, cutting the bubbles off, scraping the rock clean with an exacto knife and toothbrush, rinsed it in three separate bowls, and it still ended up growing back on that rock.
Overall, bubble algae can definitely be a nuisance if it gets out of control.


Active Member
nothing has changed sense the last ones i posted. i will probably not post pics till next week. ill be gone this weekend so when i get back with the lights ill be posting lots and lots of pics!!!


Active Member
dude... you need to get you some 21w CFL lamps... and take out all the liverock and dump in some new uncured stuff and a bunch of fish... you don't want to cycle it man... trust me.. AHAHAHAHA


Active Member
haha dude how did yu know i was gunna keep that as a surprise. i was thinking a baby bamboo shark and a couple small rays. ohhh ohhh and a bta with a pair of maroon clowns. and im gunna drop in some fresh water goldfish to feed the shark and rays


Active Member
Originally Posted by patrick8929
haha dude how did yu know i was gunna keep that as a surprise. i was thinking a baby bamboo shark and a couple small rays. ohhh ohhh and a bta with a pair of maroon clowns. and im gunna drop in some fresh water goldfish to feed the shark and rays

you're forgeting some things...
an octopus!
and......a seahorse..... and an eclipse 6 gallon.... and a 45gallon....


Active Member
Originally Posted by patrick8929
haha oh yea sorry. oh and im gunna get rid of my filter too im going for the natural look no electrical stuff
yeah... you don't want stuff blowing around the tank... that wouldn't be any good..