Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)


Active Member
okay so i left the fish in the tank over the break... i hope he is okay i put a full cube of food in the tank right as i was leaving so i am thinking he will be okay. yea i should be getting my lights this week and i will be just adding corals until i get another tank set up at home.
im interested to hear how your tank is when you get home. I left tuesday and wont get back to school until sunday. I fed my clown goby some flake right as i was walking out the door and over topped off my tank, i kinda hope that will prevent the salinity from getting too high. Im really nervous to go home sunday


Active Member
yea i know i did the same thing as well im worried about it and i put lots of RO water in before i left and hopefully the salinity will not drop to much. i dont know what im gunna do over the 3 week break!!!
i might just have to get rid of mr. shrimp and BAIT because i really dont feel like setting up another tank. i need money for gas and going out and stuff!!!
im not sure of your college/home situation but what I'm doing is im just going to put all my stuff in a bucket with tank water and then just going to put the tank in the back of my car with some plastic wrap over it with some holes and also put it in a tub so if any water does spill it will get caught. When i get home set it up and just refill the tank put my coral and shrimp/goby back in and then just do basically a large water change. My break is about 4 weeks long i think so then ill do the same when i go back to school except it might be a 15 long and not the 5.5gallon i left with : D
Good luck with whatever you do. See if you can find a fish store near by that will take the fish and shrimp


Active Member
i might have to try that im not sure.... we will see what i end up doing. i might just have to wait till the big break is over to really get the tank going.


Originally Posted by patrick8929
haha man i didnt get rid of him i just hope he doesnt die while i have been gone!!!
You should take it back to LFS, use your own advice that you gave me remember? Also, why do you keep adding things to the tank when you know your not going to be able to take care of it during winter break?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shyshko08
You should take it back to LFS, use your own advice that you gave me remember? Also, why do you keep adding things to the tank when you know your not going to be able to take care of it during winter break?

What else did he add? from what I know he only has a fish and a peppermint shrimp.
When do you get back Patrick? I hope you're having a good holiday!!


Active Member
i was going to take him back but every one told me he would be fine. i said sorry in your thread for bashing now dont come over to mine and do the same thing. and lauren is right all i have is a fish and a shrimp. i am planning on setting up another tank at my house. to take care of my stuff when i come home.
and thank you lauren i am have a good break i come back tonight!!!!
i hope everything turns out well when you get back. I got home a few hours ago and everything lived luckily. I hope the same for you


Active Member
okay i got back about an hour ago and i have good news and bad news. my fish is doing great i even think he has started to grow his tail back. bad news. my shrimp vanished! i have no clue where it went it is just gone!