Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)


man that sux about bait. lights look awsome though. i guess you dont really have to worry about them over break as much as you though.


Active Member
thats when my christmas break is. dude thats not that long! compaired to how long a have waited for every thing so far! dude my tank is gunna be sexy!!!!


Active Member
10 gallon would be a perfect place for a pair of green barred gobies. There was a lady on another site whose kept breeding.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
yaaaaay! yellow polyps!!! looks good! =)
thank you!! i love them they are already all open after only 20 min. so i think they are doing pretty good!
spanko thanks for the suggestion ill look them up!


Sorry about your loss. Hate that your good LFS is going out of business. Nice yellows!!! I love mine, though still trying to figure out the other 2 types on the rock with them.
On the fish, as far as clowns go take a look at the onxy's.


Active Member
the only thing is i dont know where im gunna get them from? my good lfs is gone so.... i dont know where they would be