Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)


Active Member
he has his mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kidding dude well it reallys depends on who it is. if your girl loves fish and wouldnt mind wasting then yea your good. and if she dont. then you know your blah! lol


it could work like it did with me:
my GF loved my fish so much she begged me to buy her a tank. and of course i did, and she has a nicer tank then i do, cuz she wants the nicer corals, and i cant afford to buy my light
. but hers looks good


Active Member
dude, those lights are friggin SICK, very nice buy on those, cant wait til i need lights like that LOL im gonna end up goin with just 2x20w pc's on mine for now LOL


Active Member
i actually found the perfect fixture today at petsmart of all places, its for a reptile cage, twin bulb incandescent fixture, with individual reflectors, perfect for what i need, except ill have to build a stand for it to set over the tank LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
i actually found the perfect fixture today at petsmart of all places, its for a reptile cage, twin bulb incandescent fixture, with individual reflectors, perfect for what i need, except ill have to build a stand for it to set over the tank LOL
Told ya!!!!


Originally Posted by nissan577
that happnd to me to! but man it was funny cause i would buy for her tank and she would buy for me
mine wont buy for me. she is jobless(almost- 10 hours a week isnt enough) so its i buy for her, then i buy for her, then i get something small. like today: i bought some peppermint shrimp for my tank, 1 for me 3 for her. i got a set of clowns she gets a mated pair($89.99) + a fire fish, and 10#'s of LR. all i got today was a $4.00 shrimp and i spent over $150.00 on everything.
her tank looks good im glad that its alsmot done for the next few months(until i think she is ready for corals, 6 months at a min.)


well she is slowly figuring out why i dont take her out anymore. all the money i spoent on her is for her x-mas present that she got kinda early cuz i set it up and i was gonna get her the maited pair of r the real gift but they came in way early. so i gave them to her. so its al gonna work out by the end of her build cuz i can finally get back to mine
. hopfully by the first of the year i will have a better light on mine(desk lamp that has a 35watt PC in it works ok).


Active Member
okay so some new pics.....
also a question...... i am having a problem with micro bubbles and also they are getting stuck on my rocks? it doesnt look to good what can i do? i dont have pics because i sprayed them off.



Love the lights.
Bait was a cutie, sorry for your loss.
My pump will blow microbubbles when the leak drops the water lever to low so that it is sucking air. Else wise I don't know of where they might be coming from. (btw, I lost a damsel that had gotten covered in the microbubbles the first time the leak revealed itself)


Originally Posted by patrick8929
star- i dont really know where they are coming from really. my water level is fine
I know. Just thought I'd let you know where mine have come from before. Your set up doesn't look like it should generate them, but ???