so i got the jbj 28g nanocube quad, i had a 14g biocube before, and im really liking this jbj better, has 2 returns, a wave maker, and a center overflow. seems to be alot nice so far. biggest thing i like is the back chambers are exposed and you dont have to lift the hood everytime to get back there! So i have 15lbs of figi live rock, and 17lbs of Bali live rock (this stuff is super light and looks awesome). 25lbs of aragonite substrate. im gonna upgrade my return pumps to maxi jet 1200's. i just ordered them. I also started the tank with cycled water, waited a week all my levels were ok and added a cleanup crew last week. i got 5 orange turbo snails, 10 blue leg hermits, and 2 emerald crabs in there now. I plan on getting 2 picasso clowns, a green mandarin down the road when my fuge is setup and has lots of pods, and prolly some sort of shrimp/goby combo. Coral wise, im gonna go with softys, rics, zoas, shrooms, polyps that kinda stuff. well here it is so far...