Penguin 350 Biowheel for 29gal?


Is a Marineland Penguin 350 sufficient filtration for a 29gal reef tank? It is cycling at the moment and I want to make it into a reef tank. Does this sound okay? :notsure: Any suggestions are welcome. Sorry I'm a newb!


i have a penguin 200 bio wheel on my 28 gallon that works great........


Only carbon i use is in the normal filter pads for it and i've never had a problem....and yes it is my only filtration. I've been thinking about buying a skimmer but i can't bring myself to do it since my tank is so small and i want something larger.......
28 gal
2 true percs
1 fire goby
1 condi anemone
1 brittle star
8 hermits
4 turbos
4 nassarius
1 cleaner shrimp
1 blood shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp
130 watt coralife PC lighting
hairy mushrooms
assorted zoos
assorted xenias


How do you like the 130 watts PC. I was just about to order the exact same thing. The anemone and corals do fine?


the light is good for the zoos, xenia, and shrooms......i probably won't try anything beyond those....and people won't recommend anything other then a bubble tip anemone under this lighting......I hand feed my condi and actually had him for a few weeks under 15 watt lighting before i learned how to do things.....he stays a good distance from the PC lighting....
You might want to check out the poll for lighting in the new hobbyist section.....they're making me feel like i should've gone with the T-5 fixture....but i have no complaints with PC lighting and my corals i do have are doing great....get the LEDs if you get it....everything glows in the dark...


Active Member
I use that exact filter on my 29 gallon. It is great. I also use the filter pads and I use renew in a velcro media bag. It works great for me. I have a cpr bak pak skimmer and I have 130 watts of PC lighting.
I have 2 BTA's in my tank under my lighting. Thomas himself said 130 watt PC in a 29 gallon should be fine.
Everything is awesome! I am actually working on upgrading to a 100 gallon