People are really this dumb!


Active Member
your not going to believe this, I was in a local fish store and over heard a customer asking what freshwatwer fish they could put a clown fish with because they had a fresh water tank and wanted to put a clown fish in it. the clerk patiently explained it wasn't possible and why. they said they knew it was possible they saw a picture of a clown fish in with other fish that looked like FW fish. they then procceeded to chew him out and demand a manager who then also explained that it was impossible, the people then loudly proclaimed that they would never shop there again and would go somewhere that had people that knew about fish. me being the jerk I am walked over and told the people that they were complete idiots and reccomended that they never own pets. Both the clerk and the manager looked very amused by this they obviously couldnt tell the person off for fear of loosing their jobs but I however could. we had a good laugh about it after the people stormed out all red faced. I feel sorry for the clerk at the next store they go to. :hilarious

sign guy

Active Member
hey let me try
I was at my lfs about a year ago and someone was demanding a refund because there three damsels died just minnets after placed in the tank. After about fifteen minnets of questians we asked what brand salt they had ......................the one in the blue bottle. um Im not familure with that brand who makes know the bottle with the girl and the umbrella on the side. she was using table salt
gotta love stupid people

the j.o.p.

yes they are that dumb!!!! i sell cell phones and you wouldn't believe the crap people tell me.
them: " it just quit working"
me "has the phone ever gotten wet?"
them "no! never!!" customer getting attitude.
i remove back of phone water drips out on my desk!!!
me "are you sure?"
them " well it fell in the toilet, but it was only in the bowl for like a min."
then they usually ask well is that covered under warranty?


Active Member
Keep the stories coming this could turn out to be a laugh riot thread. Oh where can I get one of those toilet water phones?

the j.o.p.

i could sell you one real cheap. i was thinking about setting up a web site just for people to post stories like this!


Active Member
i think those people in the first story must have been on crack!!!! thanks for sharing,,have a great day...


I was changing the service panel on this ladies house and told her her power was going to be off for most of the day. I also told her her cordless phone wouldn't work either. she told me I was crazy because the phone had batteries. well the phone didn't work because the base station had to have power to send the signal to the cordless phone. Then she supprized me a few hours later with a question. she asked me if I would like anything from the store because she had to go there to use the restroom. I asked her if something was wrong with her own toilet. she told me it wouldn't work because I had the power off and it won't flush. naturally I could contain myself and started laughing pretty hard at her until she left the house.
I had hired a new apprentice in one time and asked me if I could teach him how to use a hammer. He said" can you show me how to use this thing?"
I almost fell off my ladder.

the j.o.p.

i had a guy call me yesterday and ask if it was a good idea if he paid his bill?
i said yes if he didn't want them to turn his phone off.
to this he replied ," they'll turn off my phone if i don't pay?"


New Member
The other day, my stepdaughter (age 21 who is in in 4th year at a major university) asked her mom for the phone book to look up the local tire shop. She said she needed to make an appointment to get her air pressure checked in her tires. I wanted to hear this phone call......When she was finished I asked her if they could fit her in today. She says, Yes, I can come down anytime, AND IT'S FREE!!!!!!


New Member
Im a carpentry subcontractor and when i hire new help i usually require them to have some kind of experience.well bout year ago i had a prospective hire that seemed awful ful of himself so much so that i got kind of suspicious of his exp. so i sent him to home depot tool dept to find a board stretcher three hours later he finally figured out i was fooling him and got a very nasty phone call and a resignation he was so embarassed couldnt even face me


these are way to funny. I have used the wire steacher, sky hooks,left and right handed hammers,screw drivers,and pliers. I have never heard of some one getting an appointment for air in the tires. I about fell out of my chair when I read that. I think I have tears in my eyes now.


Active Member
LOL working a job site once I asked one of the new guys to cut me some 10" 2x4 blocks for under the soffit, he cut them all then asked "whats the technical name for these?"
I replied "blocks"
he didnt get it.


Active Member
setting forms for a footing on another job site same guy. we ran out of whalers (2x4s with two holes drilled for pinning the form together) we sent him to the hardware store for some, to get him out of our hair. three minutes before quiting time he shows up really upset that he went to five different hardware stores and no one had a clue what he was talking about.
he still didnt get it.


Active Member
same guy couple weeks later, cut a piece of trim 1/8 of an inch short, it was raining so I told him to go put it in a puddle to let it soak that would soften it up then bring it in and nail one end then he could stretch the board to meet and nail it in place.
didn't work.
he STILL didn't get it.
the whole crew had a lot of fun at this kids expense and he NEVER got it.


Was working a housing unit in a Federal Prison, about 100 grown men, hardened convicts... put a sign up one Easter in the unit that said "Easter egg hunt on the recreation yard at 1:00 PM" Hehehehe.... a joke, didn't think that half my housing unit would actually go!! Of course every single one of them completely denied it, they were just going to "get some fresh air" or "lift weights" Yeah.... right. Any given day I would have 10 of them doing that, not 50.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
same guy couple weeks later, cut a piece of trim 1/8 of an inch short, it was raining so I told him to go put it in a puddle to let it soak that would soften it up then bring it in and nail one end then he could stretch the board to meet and nail it in place.
didn't work.
he STILL didn't get it.
the whole crew had a lot of fun at this kids expense and he NEVER got it.
So is he a job site supervisor now.....