People are really this dumb!


Active Member
Originally Posted by reckler
she asked me if I would like anything from the store because she had to go there to use the restroom. I asked her if something was wrong with her own toilet. she told me it wouldn't work because I had the power off and it won't flush. naturally I could contain myself and started laughing pretty hard at her until she left the house.

ehh, its not all that uncommon of an issue. if someone has a well, and you shut the power off, the well pump wont work and they can't flush. I also sell a toilet that requires electricity to don't plug it in, you don't flush it.


Active Member
We used to play alot of pranks on the new guys in my unit when
i was still in the corps.
"Hey new guy go find me a stack of ID10T forms." Most guys would spend an hour or so asking the people in the admin shops for these idiot forms.
"Hey take a trash bag out to aircraft whatever and get me some APU " aux power unit" exhaust samples." Watching these guys stand on a ladder with a trash bag filling it up with exhaust fumes for an hour or so was always a good laugh.
Sometimes it back fires tho..
The airframes shop got a new guy in once and asked him to go get 50ft of flight line. Our mech/engine shop was called flight line and most of the time the new guy would go there and ask for it and get ruffed up a little bit. But low and behold this guy was a retread who had actually used portable flight line
"a thick rubber type material that pieces together like puzzle pieces and is used in exercise areas that do not have normal airstrips and such"
Well he returns to his shop and lets his supervisor know that the flight line is on backorder. Supervisor thinks he figured out the joke and was being sarcastic. But 2 or 3 weeks later a flatbed tailor and truck shows up and the driver is looking for someone with a forklift to get this "flight line" off his tailor.
Our CO was not amused.


when i was 16 i worked at sonic drive thru and i worked with my best friend well we were the best workers we had and we ran the kitchen well when we would get new workers during the summer we would send them to the OUTSIDE shed for had one guy out there lookin for like 2 or 3 hours and he finally comes back in and says "we dont have anymore we are out" still cracks me up


This is sad. But, a couple of elderly women almost died of heat stroke when their battery went dead at a mall parking lot. They didn't know how to manually open their car doors.
Another one:
Several years ago we had a rotary wall phone that had been left when we bought the house. One of my kids friends went to call home. I pointed out the phone and he just stared at it. He didn't know how to dial it.


New Member
Originally Posted by windmill
I don't think a fish could figure out a flick = punishment for being bad.

I think they could, it's just conditioning. If you can condition them to know that open lid means food is coming why not.


New Member
One time when we little, my sister and I were in the car riding down the road, and we passed a cemetery. My sister says, "Dad, what happens when the M section fills up?" My dad tells her, serious as a heart attack, "They make you change your last name to something that starts with a Z." She believed him.
She was 8 at the time, though. We still tease her about that.


We still pick on my son for looking for the little guy that turns off the refrigerator light when the door is shut when he was a toddler. We had him looking for about a week!!!