People make me so my mother-in-law!


sarah fair

Bleach?? Are you suggesting that she would put bleach in there? If she did...oh ho ho...she better go hide under a rock cause Ill stick my foot up her..well you know...haha


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sarah Fair
Bleach?? Are you suggesting that she would put bleach in there? If she did...oh ho ho...she better go hide under a rock cause Ill stick my foot up her..well you know...haha
wouldnt be the first time it has happened... a lady and her husband got into a fight and the wife dumped bleach in a huge tank right in front of the cops.. they arrested her for cruelty to animals..


Active Member
I have four tanks and 3 kids ages 10, 8, and 4 and I think the smaller 20 gallon tanks that are on iron stands could possibly be pulled over by a child but that is because the stands are not that sturdy. If you have a sturdy stand you're good to go.

sarah fair

Well I would call the police if she decided to do that...ha! that would make my day...but I think that the stand is sterdy...kyle doesnt..but I really do. he wants it to put it on the dresser where the ends will hang off..i told him that would be more i right or am i wrong?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sarah Fair
Well I would call the police if she decided to do that...ha! that would make my day...but I think that the stand is sterdy...kyle doesnt..but I really do. he wants it to put it on the dresser where the ends will hang off..i told him that would be more i right or am i wrong?
You are right!! never let any part of the bottom hang over the sides of anything it's sitting on.


Active Member
Well I have a 4 year old and a 29 gallon tank. It is on a sofa table. There is no way he could pull it down on him. I can't even budge it.
As far as the MIL goes. You guys need to find your own place. Even if you share rent with another couple your own ages. But you have got to get out of MIL's house. She has that over you and will probably use it to her advantage.
Also, hubby needs to step up to the plate. You need to tell him what bothers you and if he can't talk to his mom about it then at least you know NOW before later. It may get worse down the line.
Stand up for yourselves. You have your own family now. You need to get out of her house and on your own with YOUR new family.


Let's see now. You're 17 if I remember correctly, I assume Kyle is also a teenager, you don't have enough money to get your own place but you already have a kid and now you're setting up a fish tank in HER house. I can see why she's so upset. As Kyle's mother she's probably already po'd that you've "ruined his life" by getting pregnant so early (with mother's it's always the other person's fault) and now you're setting up what people who don't love fish would consider a monstrosity in her home. And your rant here pretty much puts your immaturity on display for all to see.
Your only choice is to get out of there. If Kyle doesn't want to go then he's far too immature to be a father. You've made some poor choices in life, now you have to pay for it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mystic7
Let's see now. You're 17 if I remember correctly, I assume Kyle is also a teenager, you don't have enough money to get your own place but you already have a kid and now you're setting up a fish tank in HER house. I can see why she's so upset. As Kyle's mother she's probably already po'd that you've "ruined his life" by getting pregnant so early (with mother's it's always the other person's fault) and now you're setting up what people who don't love fish would consider a monstrosity in her home. And your rant here pretty much puts your immaturity on display for all to see.
Your only choice is to get out of there. If Kyle doesn't want to go then he's far too immature to be a father. You've made some poor choices in life, now you have to pay for it.
so how does this help her or solve any problems??? what is done is done.. i have a kid, am a single father with full time custody.. just cuz they have a kid doesnt mean life is over, and you should still enjoy your time alive.. ranting.. nah.. looks more like venting, however thats prolly a good thing that she didnt vent directly to the mil... woulda made things even worse.. I think its a good thing she vented on here, and got out frustrations b4 dealing more with the mil.... imo


IF you want to hold her hand and side with her be my guest. But it's that whole "it's not your fault" BS that has her and thousands of kids like her in that situation. I'm just giving her the facts. If you're a single dad and you're dealing with life, that's great. But just reading her opening rant shows me that her and her husband are not on your level yet, and won't be until they realize that their first priority is getting their own place and taking care of their own kid, not buying aquariums and thinking her mother in law is obligated to let her do whatever makes HER happy.
I guarantee you, years from now if they get their act together it'll be MY post that they'll appreciate the most, not the posts offering advice on how to get back at her MIL.


Originally Posted by mystic7
IF you want to hold her hand and side with her be my guest. But it's that whole "it's not your fault" BS that has her and thousands of kids like her in that situation. I'm just giving her the facts. If you're a single dad and you're dealing with life, that's great. But just reading her opening rant shows me that her and her husband are not on your level yet, and won't be until they realize that their first priority is getting their own place and taking care of their own kid, not buying aquariums and thinking her mother in law is obligated to let her do whatever makes HER happy.
I guarantee you, years from now if they get their act together it'll be MY post that they'll appreciate the most, not the posts offering advice on how to get back at her MIL.
Sorry but I would have to agree with mystic here

Absolutely nothing wrong with venting, but you have to look at both sides. When I was 17 and living in my parents house, it was THERE rules.


Active Member
did u make stupid purchases when u were 17??? i bet so! haha.. not trying to say that what is going on is right.. u are correct.. it is the mil's house.. im just sayin its prolly a good thing she vented here, instead of directly to the mil.. that wouldve been alot more tragic.. possibly leading to a death now a days.. i have bought alot of things in my life where i shouldve spent the money elsewhere and would be further along in my life then i am now... hell.. if i saved every penny i made growing up, i would be retired by now.. im just sayin there are more positive ways to get the point across, rather then using negativity, which doesn nothing for teenagers...


New Member
Have to side with Mystic on this one too. Mil is probably po'd because these kids are having kids and showing zero resposibilities. She is watching them dump their money into a hobby that is not cheap by know means, when the money could be spent in other places like trying to get up on their own or pre paid college fund for the little one. Yes you are right I made stupid purchases when I was 17 but then again I did not make the decision to bring a child into the world when I was 17 either. These children nowadays think money is expendible and they don't have to save for the future. Not picking on you Sarah just trying to make a point here save your money get out of her house sell that tank and save your money the hobby will still be here and this forum will still be here. Get your own place then is she still gives you grief %^$ her. Just my 2 cents for whatever it is worth


Deffinitely a good thing she vented here, that is fine, glad people supported her and tried to help, just want her to try to think about what her MIL is thinking.
And yes, I made MANY stupid purchases when I was 17, make MANY stupid purchases still, but I did not have a baby to support and was not living with my in-laws.
Being a single dad supporting your child(
) I am sure you are not able to make as many stupid purchases as you would like, good for you, you have your priorities straight!!


Originally Posted by bamc123
Have to side with Mystic on this one too. Mil is probably po'd because these kids are having kids and showing zero resposibilities. She is watching them dump their money into a hobby that is not cheap by know means, when the money could be spent in other places like trying to get up on their own or pre paid college fund for the little one. Yes you are right I made stupid purchases when I was 17 but then again I did not make the decision to bring a child into the world when I was 17 either. These children nowadays think money is expendible and they don't have to save for the future. Not picking on you Sarah just trying to make a point here save your money get out of her house sell that tank and save your money the hobby will still be here and this forum will still be here. Get your own place then is she still gives you grief %^$ her. Just my 2 cents for whatever it is worth


Since you are living in her house, you don't have much of a choice. You really should be thankful that you are able to live there w/Kyle and your baby. You should take advantage of the situation and save as much money as you can. It's tough for a young family to make it on their own when there is only one paycheck. I was a single parent at the age of 20. I lived with my mom for just about 4 years with my baby boy. Then I met my wonderful husband whom have been married for 21 years!!! When I lived with my mom, I had to obide by her rules and even had a curfew. Lucky for me my mom was supportive but I had to work to support myself and buy the things my baby needed. I continued working after I got married and am still working a full time job!! Both of my son's are grown 20 & 25 and living on their own. (my youngest son's name is Kyle) I know it's a wonderful thing that you get to be a stay at home mom but if I were you, I'd be looking for a job so that I could have a place of my own. Good luck to you.

dr. evil

Originally Posted by mystic7
Let's see now. You're 17 if I remember correctly, I assume Kyle is also a teenager, you don't have enough money to get your own place but you already have a kid and now you're setting up a fish tank in HER house. I can see why she's so upset. As Kyle's mother she's probably already po'd that you've "ruined his life" by getting pregnant so early (with mother's it's always the other person's fault) and now you're setting up what people who don't love fish would consider a monstrosity in her home. And your rant here pretty much puts your immaturity on display for all to see.
Your only choice is to get out of there. If Kyle doesn't want to go then he's far too immature to be a father. You've made some poor choices in life, now you have to pay for it.
I have to agree with Mystic on this. think about it. your baby is sleeping in a play pen now is not the time to be setting up a 55 gal. sw fish tank now is the time to work and save work and save work and save work,work,work,and work some more and get your own place and push Kyle to step up and do what he has to do it's gonna be a

but you have to do it. in the meantime you could maybe enroll in some type of course and get a degree it appears you have someone to care for the baby while you do that so dont bite the hand that feeds you so to speak i could go on and on because i had a very simalar situation with my step daughter and her husband i.e.useless

and 3 beutiful grandchildren mind you im only 38 and did everything i could to help even cut corners for my family btw i am raising 2 kids 16 and 13 and all they did was take it for granted and as soon as i said something they left and i have not seen my grandchildren since and its been almost 2yrs.and my heart breaks everytime i think about it. i geuss what im trying to tell you is dont screw a good thing up sieze the opprotunity while you have it because if your mother in law was as evil as you say she wouldnt let you stay in her home so suck it up and do the right thing. ITS FOR YOUR BABY NOW NOT FOR YOU.


Originally Posted by mystic7
I guarantee you, years from now if they get their act together it'll be MY post that they'll appreciate the most, not the posts offering advice on how to get back at her MIL.
I tend to agree with Mystic here too. Tough love.
But guys... did she say she was 17??? In my post i said i was 17 when I got married and was smart enough (married at 17 smart??? WELL???) ok ok smart in one way to cut the apron strings and move far far away. It was 5 years later AFTER we grew up a little that our first was born. thus what i said....
Love... marriage.... babies.... aquarium. not
lust, prego, baby, making more poor choices, aquarium and still not married.
100% agree with her being a stay at home mom... best thing for baby. but i still think she is putting her own happiness way too high up on the list.
i maybe a newbie at saltwater but after 29 years and two wonderful kids (24 girl married-- college grad and optical shop manager & boy 21 3rd year college headed to be a dentist) i think i have earned my 2 cents worth here =) :happyfish
Question for Sarah... What's keeping you at MIL's???
Best wishes again!
james =)


Alright I hate to get in the middle of this but here it is. I am in my mid 20's I have 2 kids. I had my daughter when I was 17. I made a mistake a I stood up the best I could and took on the responsibilities. I lived with my mother for 3 years after she was born and being stuborn and wanted my daughter to have what she needed I found a jog and saved my money and moved out of her house and did it on my own. What Sarah Fair needs to understand now is her life is not all hers anymore and all her choices effect that baby. Shouldn't you be saving all that money to move out on your own so you don't have deal MIL. So buy the time you are allowed to sign a lease you might have enough money for the F/L months rent! I understand how hard it is I've been there. If you think you need something for yourself have Kyle take you to dinner and to a movie everyother week.


While we're venting... :mad: Do you really talk "like" that too?
I like wish I like had a dollar for like every time you like, said "like".
It's like the most annoying thing a person could like have to read (or listen to even).

She did this to Kyles brothers wife...She made them get devorced b/c she drove his wife so crazy..
And you don't think this is going to happen to you? You stay there and you're relationship with Kyle will go down the tubes. I guarantee it.
I think enough has been said already. MikerSof was well spoken enough.