people over 35 should be dead


I may be younger then 14 but there are days I wish I could go back in time and fix humanitys mistakes
Internationaly after the Soviet ?Union fell most countrries belive we should be gone and done with, They no longer ne protection from the communist!
Oh, I would trade my life for 20 years in the ages!
Now i'm depressed about life!
And I have no idea with Spin-The-Bottle and fatal diseases! You mean AIDS?


Can anyone remember going to play at your school grounds after hours and weekends? We used to play football every afternoon and Saturday. There were no fences or trespassing laws about schools. They were ours after all.
Playing WAR with sticks and pine cones for grenades.
Swimming in a pond.
Falling off your bike and the lady down the street taking you in her house to doctor it.
When I was a kid my parents would spank me IN PUBLIC and far from being shocked the general consensus was approval. Now if I even say I'm going to spank my son some busybody (that's never had kids) calls DSS.
Spent a night in jail because when Mom came to get me I refused to go 'cause I thought her, or Dad, would REALLY kill me.
Whatever happenned to common sense and responsibility?


Oh yeah I forgot.
Any ex-jocks remember that red stuff that we had before Ben-Gay and Icy-Hot? The stuff that felt like it was taking your skin off. When I was a freshman the seniors said that I should put some of that stuff on my pulled groin ... even the memory hurts!!
(This was before that movie with Charlie Sheen and Corey Haim)


geez I thought it was a form of punnisment when we took the kiddies camping and went for a hike all the way up 20+ water falls in pa (where I hail from) ricket's glenn if you ever want to punish them take them there oh and make these techno kiddies build a campfire when i was young this was fun now a days go to your room is met with cheers what the heck is that all about?



Originally posted by sawillia
Don't get me started about kids in the Resturants....

I used to think I hated the little brats in restaurants... Then it dawned on me, that it isn't the kids so much as the parents!!! There was a "cute" little girl in the booth next to ours. She let out a whaling high pitched shrill and her parents offered her everything on the table to quiet her. Everything, except a good smack in the mouth. Man, when I was a kid there was good and bad. If I ever attempted to act like that, my folks woulda been VERY different. Maybe you need to start a school for parents!!
K, I'm done...


tizzo I work in an doolescent psych facility from time to time and amen you are so right there is such a difference between when I was reared (mommie left me at a store for being a brat one time ) she could see me but I thought she was gone and when I started to cry for acting like a smacked monkey's butt I got my butt beat I never uesd the words I used then again I wasn't going to demand anything I learned mannors yes please thank you maam' may i please have if you don't mind where did that whole moral structure go?
I watched a boy of 17 smack his mother in the face and she (and dear old dad ) sat there and processed with the brat back in the day we would have learned really quick that parents brought kids into this world and they could/would take em out!! what a shame society goofed up so badly
oh and did any of you all sneak into the quarry around your parts and just jump in for a dip (as long as there was H2O in it)
did anyone chase lightning bugs
catch a snow falke on your tongue
raise a butterfly how about lollow one just to see the beauty
go fishing with your best friend (...kiddies these were real people not cyber names you didn't know
did you run outside tpo see a rain bow -looking for the leprechon with the pot of gold?
lay on the ground and see things (not with drugs but your immagination?)
how about an all day all nite trail ride with a friend on horse back? no fear no need to fear just a packed food and a match to start a lil fire to keep warm? goish so many warm and fuzzy memories i think I'm so glad thaat I've gotten old(32):hilarious



Originally posted by shawna
that parents brought kids into this world and they could/would take em out!! what a shame society goofed up so badly

Abuse Laws Now


no one actually did it it was the respect that they had the states blessing to deal with them at home that scared the poopie out of us back then hense fourth good kids all I want is good kids! (i have none I would need to raise them with i love you untill the need for capitol punnishment arose then I'd do it 'cause i love you and with the theory hat this hurts me more than it hurts you ...for you parents who have said that how did it hort you more? that paddle and shelallie still hurt to look at :D
ps I don't advocate beating kids it does hurt!!:D