People vs Pets (VICK)


Active Member
"cheap condos on the beach" = oxymoron.
It's worth millions now. Lots of new construction near the pier. Looking at a house tomorrow. 1250 sq ft = $450,000 in Shadowridge/Tri-City area. Taxes alone will be in the $400-$500 mo range. Sure not looking forward to that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
"cheap condos on the beach" = oxymoron.
It's worth millions now. Lots of new construction near the pier. Looking at a house tomorrow. 1250 sq ft = $450,000 in Shadowridge/Tri-City area. Taxes alone will be in the $400-$500 mo range. Sure not looking forward to that.
Wow. I payed something like 72k for the 2B/1B strand condo on the water when new (nothing more than a cheap apartment with a view) and 110K for the Victorian also had a duplex at the base of Camino Real that I payed 65K...Shoulda woulda...blah blah.... Makes me sick to think about it..


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
Technically, the wife was convicted of manslaughter, not murder. She alleged spousal abuse and testimony was provided to somewhat back up that claim. Who really knows what happened, but there's room to believe she acted in self defense. When it comes to animal abuse, they have no way to protect themselves, thus the crime seems much more heinous.
People are convicted of manslaughter, vehicular homicide, abuse, assault...etc all the time and they spend very little time in jail. Then someone who commits a nonviolent crime and they'll spend a decade in jail. It just doesn't seem right to me....she says she was abused.... he made her dress up in slutty ( I hope this word is okay) clothes and do sexual things she was uncomfortable with, and he yelled at her sometimes.... if she was so unhappy then she should have divorvced him. He never threatened her life... and he can't defend himself... and she was convicted. But they say Vick may do 1-5 years in jail (or you can use many other stories instead of Vick, such as the Georgian boy who was 17 and had --- with a 15 year old who is serving 10 years in prision) and this woman only spent like 9 months in jail and was convicted and served much of the time in a hospital.... its just not right.
Animal abuse is bad I'm not saying its okay... but given the circumstances in the Vick case it not as henious as someone who walked around killing their neighbors dogs or cats.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by HappyVac
I'm not saying that we value pets over people - but we do tend to take our dogs and cats to expensive groomers while turning a blind eye to the scraggly guy at the intersection.

I take offense to this. Expensive groomers? If you don't like the price, learn to do it yourself....
Next time anyone wants to complain about the price of their animals grooming, take the time to read this list and maybe, just maybe you will understand a little better..
A: 25 Reasons why your dog's Haircut costs more than yours...
1. Your haircut takes 20-30 minutes, your dog's takes much longer.
2. Your hairdresser doesnt give you a manicure & pedicure.
3. Your Hairdresser only clips the hair on your head.
4. You don't have fleas, ticks, or mites.
5. Your Hairdresser is not expected to comb out dreadlocks.
6. Your hairdresser doesnt clean your ears.
7. You dont try to bite your hairdresser.
8. You stay still and dont wiggle, jump and shake while being worked on with sharp scissors & tools.
9. Your hairdresser doesn't wash your butt.
10. You don't come in with mud, burrs, sticks, tar, sap, gum, foxtails, and poop in your hair.
11. You don't shake and cover everything (including your hairdresser) in 2 inches of soapy water.
12. Your Hairdresser doesn't have to shave between your toes.
13. You can tell your hairdresser if something's wrong, she doesn't have to guess.
14. You don't poop whilst your hairdresser is blow drying your backside.
15. Your hairdresser doesn't cuddle you and stroke you when you get nervous.
16. You don't walk into your hairdresser with hair that hasn't been brushed in 6 weeks (or 6 months).
17. You don't scream at the top of your lungs every time the Hairdresser picks up a pair of nail clippers.
18. You don't whip around in a frenzy as soon as your hairdresser goes to clip around your ears.
19. You don't try to hump your hairdresser's leg.
20. You don't play chicken with a skunk right before your appointment.
21. You don't pee, poop, or throw up in the hairdresser's chair.
22. You don't wait until you're clean and dry to go potty and sit in it.
23. You don't dig your fingernails into your hairdresser's arm.
24. You don't roll in dead things.
25. Your hairdresser probably won't love you if you do any of the above. (in fact they would probably have you arrested).


Active Member
Forgot one
26 Your hairdresser doesn't squeeze your anal glands to expell them
For those of you who've never had your dog groomed, this is an actuall process and it has to be ne of the foulest things a person ever has to do.
( I own 4 grooming salons)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I own a grooming shop as well.
I kinda figured, my groomers got a kick out of your post

Last week one of the groomers had a cocker spaniel pee all over the front of her shirt, then while lifting a boxer into the tub it "Self Expressed" all over her shirt, not a good day....


Active Member
Kudos to both of you! I have a 85 lb Akita and one of his best friend is his groomer. He gets very excited to see his friend Josh when he goes. He just hates the blow dryer!
Worth every penny! You guys are better then I........


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I take offense to this. Expensive groomers? If you don't like the price, learn to do it yourself....
Next time anyone wants to complain about the price of their animals grooming, take the time to read this list and maybe, just maybe you will understand a little better..
A: 25 Reasons why your dog's Haircut costs more than yours...
1. Your haircut takes 20-30 minutes, your dog's takes much longer.
25. Your hairdresser probably won't love you if you do any of the above. (in fact they would probably have you arrested).
I'm not saying that groomers do a bad job or are overpriced (although you have to admit, they can be expensive) but sometimes it seems like people care more for animals than for fellow human beings.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
People are convicted of manslaughter, vehicular homicide, abuse, assault...etc all the time and they spend very little time in jail. Then someone who commits a nonviolent crime and they'll spend a decade in jail. It just doesn't seem right to me....she says she was abused.... he made her dress up in slutty ( I hope this word is okay) clothes and do sexual things she was uncomfortable with, and he yelled at her sometimes.... if she was so unhappy then she should have divorvced him. He never threatened her life... and he can't defend himself... and she was convicted. But they say Vick may do 1-5 years in jail (or you can use many other stories instead of Vick, such as the Georgian boy who was 17 and had --- with a 15 year old who is serving 10 years in prision) and this woman only spent like 9 months in jail and was convicted and served much of the time in a hospital.... its just not right.
Animal abuse is bad I'm not saying its okay... but given the circumstances in the Vick case it not as henious as someone who walked around killing their neighbors dogs or cats.
How would you like it Some stole your dog to fight him this happens all the.Those dogs don't have a choice if they fight or don't fight and the thing I hear them doing to those dogs I hope he get the high end on the sentence guide lines.Don't try to make it sound better than it is.A human got a choice a dog does not.He can't say no im not doing it human do.Not to be rude but u sound ignorant saying it even mildly close to the same thing.Let me guess next it will be a race thing to rite I have heard all this crap since this started.Give me a break.Hope he goes broke and looses everything.wooohoooo
also hope he can't get a job in the NFL when he get out of prison.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Well the woman was convicted of manslaughter. But that being said, it is an interesting observation, the uproar from vick is way larger that say kobe "not raping" that girl who-ever it was. They are talking about suspending vick for the year already, while kobe was in court that morning and on the court that evening. (that is kind of funny sorta) I do agree people's knee jerk reactions don't make alot of sense.
Well first off federal system and county court are like comairing apples and oranges.For you to get charge by the feds you have be indited which they go into court in front of a judge and give him all the evidence/eye witnesses hence then inditing u.I wouldn't cry for him he still geting pay at least till he is found guilty or he cops a plea which may be he best option cause if he fight it he going for the max to prison.


Staff member
And what about OJ?
My feeling is that just because they are athlete superstars, whom people who love sports look up to and admire, does not mean that they everything should be swept under the carpet just because they are famous athletes. There is overwhelming evidence already of Vick's involvement, so he needs to pay the price, just like anyone else.
I think people tend to empathize more with the innocent and vulnerable and weaker, and the dogs would fall into that would an abused spouse. Not sure that I perceive that as a problem. Sometimes circumstances warrant leniency.


Staff member
And what about OJ?
My feeling is that just because someone is an athlete superstars, whom people who love sports look up to and admire, does not mean that everything should be swept under the carpet just because they are famous athletes when they break the law. There is overwhelming evidence already of Vick's involvement, so he needs to pay the price, just like anyone else, if he's guilty.
I think people tend to empathize more with the innocent and vulnerable and weaker, and the dogs would fall into that would an abused spouse. Not sure that I perceive that as a problem. Sometimes circumstances warrant leniency.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
And what about OJ?
My feeling is that just because someone is an athlete superstars, whom people who love sports look up to and admire, does not mean that everything should be swept under the carpet just because they are famous athletes when they break the law. There is overwhelming evidence already of Vick's involvement, so he needs to pay the price, just like anyone else, if he's guilty.
I think people tend to empathize more with the innocent and vulnerable and weaker, and the dogs would fall into that would an abused spouse. Not sure that I perceive that as a problem. Sometimes circumstances warrant leniency.
Exactly! Just like


getting less time BS she is a human just like us just cause she is famous does NOT mean she can do whatever she wants. This is animal cruelty Vick needs to pay the time now


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
They block out Hi lton??
LMAO thats to funny didn't know that was explicet hehehe