People who Ordered Live Rock online – Shipping ?



How did you ship?
Standard (4 to 5 days), 2 – day, or overnight.
My fear is if I use standard 4 to 5 days nothing is going to survive.
2 – day is going to make the cost close to what you can get at the LFS.
EDIT: Forgot about air freight, ( I live close to a major airporrt where I could pick up, but don't know what the costs would be)
What were you experiences please.

bang guy

This site will ship the rock to you door overnight.
I have also use Air-Freight. More time = less critters = less useful rock.


That's what I figured about the standard shipping.....
Need to see how long air cargo is going to take and how much $$$.


Bang do you cure the rock again when you receive it? I want to order some as well but I didn't want to go through the curing process when I could just go to the LFS. I'm just kind of bored with LFS and they are always pushing things on me that I know better of from this message board.


Active Member
I have a question...if the live rock you buy from say this website is already been cured why should I do it again? Do I even have to???:help:


Staff member
Any rock that is shipped over nite is going to have some die-off. So, if you have live animals, it would not be wise to just dump overnight LR into your tank.
On the other hand, I got all of the LR from this sight, 80lbs, and there was no cycle.
You should plan to keep the rock in a temporary holding tank, such as a square rubbermaid, with some good PH movement, for at least a couple of days if you have live animals in your tank.


So all I need is a rubbermaid with some fresh saltwater and a pump? No skimmer needed to cure?
I allways have extra saltwater running, so i'll order some ASAP.