Pepermint Shrimp Question


Well I just added my first few items to my 75G tank. Gone through my cycles and I successfully added 2 clown fish(tank raised) 3 blue leg hermits 3 turbo snails and tried to put a pepermint shrimp in and the first one died. So, I took him back and got another one....within an hour or so that one died.
All my readings are great and I even had the store test my water. They said it was great. My water temp is a little over 80, and I've been trying to bring it down-would that cause them to die? All my other critters are good. So what could the problem be? :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by pikapp168
Well I just added my first few items to my 75G tank. Gone through my cycles and I successfully added 2 clown fish(tank raised) 3 blue leg hermits 3 turbo snails and tried to put a pepermint shrimp in and the first one died. So, I took him back and got another one....within an hour or so that one died.
All my readings are great and I even had the store test my water. They said it was great. My water temp is a little over 80, and I've been trying to bring it down-would that cause them to die? All my other critters are good. So what could the problem be? :notsure:
They do hate high temps. I have had one in a 29 for 6 months but the temp is 76. Salinity needs to be ~1.25-26. I do do a long drip acclimation for them
I just don't think they are as hardy as we would like. But IMO 3 things: acclimation, temp and salinity.
Good luck!


when I get another one how long and what steps do you recommend on acclimation. here is what I did...put the bag in the tank and let it sit for about 15-20mins. then I openned the bag and poured in a little of my water into the bag and then let it sit for about five mins. after that I put him into the tank. Any suggestions?


Since they hate high temps then I'll work on getting my heater down. It seems like my heater is set to 76-79 but the water temp is still over 80.

sea slug

the temperature has little or nothing to do with it.
your problem is your piss poor method of aclimation, which in it's self isn't even close to being acceptable!!!!!!!

read the aclimation thread in the archives!


Originally Posted by Sea Slug
if they are die-ing within an hour or two
the temperature has little or nothing to do with it
you are either:
1. not aclimating them
2. aclimating them too quickly
(1 hour minimum for drip aclimating)
what do you mean drip aclimating? sorry I suck at this stuff.


Originally Posted by Sea Slug
if you will read the archives you will be enlightened

everybody makes mistakes

Thanks for the help...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sea Slug
the temperature has little or nothing to do with it.
your problem is your piss poor method of aclimation, which in it's self isn't even close to being acceptable!!!!!!!

read the aclimation thread in the archives!
Someone with 98 posts should not criticize..If you do not know the answer to the problem, do not make it worse


Originally Posted by Sea Slug
the temperature has little or nothing to do with it.
your problem is your piss poor method of aclimation, which in it's self isn't even close to being acceptable!!!!!!!

read the aclimation thread in the archives!
what's with the attitude? I just asked a simple question. Last I thought that I was in the newbie forums.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pikapp168
what's with the attitude? I just asked a simple question. Last I thought that I was in the newbie forums.
You are ..As is He, as am I..Do not take it personally..


Originally Posted by watson3
Someone with 98 posts should not criticize..If you do not know the answer to the problem, do not make it worse
That is why I asked a question...I didn't ask for you to be rude. I really don't know that is why I'm here. If you don't want to help then don't answer the post. I appreciate your willingness but there is no need to be rude.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pikapp168
That is why I asked a question...I didn't ask for you to be rude. I really don't know that is why I'm here. If you don't want to help then don't answer the post. I appreciate your willingness but there is no need to be rude.
I think you Misread my posts..


Originally Posted by watson3
I think you Misread my posts..
We should agree to disagree and call it that. Thanks for the info.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pikapp168
We should agree to disagree and call it that. Thanks for the info.

NO..I think you should thank me for sticking up for you...


On the main site there is a tab on the left side ACCLIMATION. Click on that and use that method for drip acclimating your shrimp.
I have a 20 gallon and used this method on my Peppermint Shrimp and he is doing great had him in there for about 4 weeks now and he seems to be happy.
He has molted twice in four weeks so I got some research to do to see if that is normal or if I need to worry.


Originally Posted by Sea Slug
the temperature has little or nothing to do with it.
your problem is your piss poor method of aclimation, which in it's self isn't even close to being acceptable!!!!!!!

read the aclimation thread in the archives!

people like this should not be posting...the object of this site is not to beat someone down
I have had saltwater tanks for 3 years so I am still a bit of a noob but I put 2 pepermint shrimp in my 29 gal nano just last weekend...1 wee and they are both still fine. I acclimated in bag for 20 mins, then i added 1/3 cup tank water...20 mins 1/3 cup tank water ... 20 mins then i added them to tank. it may not be the best ... i am no expert but that is what i have always done...except to the most sensative additions live sponges etc... then i drip
welcome to the site


Originally Posted by SaltyNoob
On the main site there is a tab on the left side ACCLIMATION. Click on that and use that method for drip acclimating your shrimp.
I have a 20 gallon and used this method on my Peppermint Shrimp and he is doing great had him in there for about 4 weeks now and he seems to be happy.
He has molted twice in four weeks so I got some research to do to see if that is normal or if I need to worry.
Thanks so much! That is what I needed to know. At least someone is nice enough to point me in the right direction! Thanks!


Originally Posted by cjason3041
people like this should not be posting...the object of this site is not to beat someone down
I have had saltwater tanks for 3 years so I am still a bit of a noob but I put 2 pepermint shrimp in my 29 gal nano just last weekend...1 wee and they are both still fine. I acclimated in bag for 20 mins, then i added 1/3 cup tank water...20 mins 1/3 cup tank water ... 20 mins then i added them to tank. it may not be the best ... i am no expert but that is what i have always done...except to the most sensative additions live sponges etc... then i drip
welcome to the site
Thank you for the info-I have to say I agree with you on what you said above. Sounded like the guy had a bad day and decided to take it out on me. I even tried the agree to disagree, and he still had to be difficult. Oh well, it's his life and he has to deal with it. Thank you for your information again!


Active Member
Originally Posted by pikapp168
I even tried the agree to disagree, and he still had to be difficult. Oh well, it's his life and he has to deal with it. Thank you for your information again!
You agreed to disagree with ME, not HIM..Reread the posts by Watson3