Pepp. shrimp Question


I have a tank with mushrooms, anemone, coral, plants/algae, and 1.2 billion pods.
There are 5 peppermint fish, 3-4 BL hermits, snails
Pumps are shut off.....using air for water movement now
A hundred or so 2 day old baby shrimp swimming around
Question.... will the adult shrimp eat them, or anything else in that tank...pods? anemome?
Is there any supplemental food I should add?
(Well established tank with LR, LS, and some CC)


Thanks Bang Guy,
I saw 1 adult male that lookes like he was protecting them, while 1 female pawing at the top of the water tryinh to collect them (or eat them)
I only see the babies at night when they collect at the surface under a light. (massed in some floating Caulerpa.
This should be fun catching the adults. :scared:
Thanks again....