Peppermint Shrimp Eggs?


i have 2 peppermint shrimp and they are always together, recently i noticed both of their bellys full of EGGS one has just plain eggs but the other one has small black dots inside her stomach in the eggs that almost look like little eyes.. has anyone ever had their P.S mate? and have little babies?, i dont know what to do.. they used to race to the top and feed but now they are soo careful not to be up there to much, and they wont turn with their belly exposed, its very interesting. please helpppp with sum replys!! haha;) thanks guys


Hi there....
Since no one else has responded, I thought I would share....
I had 2 cleaner shrimps that had eggs a few years ago. I was told that it is very natural for the two shrimps to mate up and have eggs, but really difficult to raise them, if that is what you are interested in. The eggs should be good food for the rest of your tank. They will probably carry eggs very frequently from now on...


I have 3 peppermints, and it seems like thay always have eggs...every so often they will hatch...hundreds of's called FREE fish food...LOL
If you want to breed them, you need a tank just for would have to research it, but I hear (or read) it's not easy


Active Member
They hatch late at night, I've actually seen it twice in my tank and you can make out little shrimp but they are SOOOO fragile and will just become food in your tank. If you want to raise them you have to do your research and be prepared. Theres a book on raising peppermint shrimp -- google rearing peppermint shrimp or something -- but it's not that easy and the survivial rate is pretty low.
I think that the peppermint shrimp are hermaphrodites as well -- meaning they have both organs. I had 4 and all 4 were carrying eggs at one point.
Very cool if you can see the hatch though.