Peppermint shrimp randomly keep on dying!


Active Member
Well two weeks ago I bought one peppermint shrimp and he decided to go in the back of the tank, and never returned. Never found him and nitrates didn't spike. Today I bought two peppermint shrimp and a Citron Clown Goby. Later that night while I was waiting for my new TV to auto-program, I decide to check on the tankmates. Find both of the shrimp dead. Goby seems to be fine. Really wierd how I keep on losing shrimp. These two seemed really stressed during acclimation and lost almost all color. I think the 2nd time may have been becuase I didn't do the best acclimation like I should have, but they were doing fine in the tank for an hour or two.


shrimp need alkalinity to be at good par to survive, if your keeping stony corals yours should be fine enless your hard corals keep dieing then something is wrong


Active Member
I did lose one SPS frag to RTS (? not sure what the letters are?) but my clam is still doing great and the fish is fine.

bang guy

Originally Posted by reefmate75
shrimp need alkalinity to be at good par to survive, if your keeping stony corals yours should be fine enless your hard corals keep dieing then something is wrong

I didn't know that. Do you think that's because of PH fluctuation?