peppermint shrimp ?


Are pep. shrimp very shy and like to hide? or are the night creatures? i added one to my tank on tuesday i think, and have only seen him once or twice.


Active Member

Originally posted by RYKAC
Are pep. shrimp very shy and like to hide? or are the night creatures? i added one to my tank on tuesday i think, and have only seen him once or twice.

I have five of them in my reef.. They LOVE to hide.. mostly coming out at night to feed off the substrate.. Sometimes i'll see them peek out from behind live rock .. suspended there swaying back and forth in the current ( the love to do that)

bang guy

Peppermint Shrimp are nocturnal by nature. It has been my experience that if you hand feed them they will become a LOT less shy and will eagerly come out of the rockwork to greet you.


you may also want to try to get some more. i know mine like to stay together. that might have something to do with it too.


what all do you have in your tank?
Because if you have something that could hurt you then i would go and get a feeding stick, but if you dont have anything you are worried about just get some food and place your hand in the tank near him and hold your hand let him get used to it then he should come out and get some and the more you do it the faster and fast he will come out.



Originally posted by RYKAC
how should i go about hand feeding

I use flake. I usually get a flake that is large enough to hold on to with 2 fingers and enough flake left for the pep to grab onto.


So then would my best bet would be to get another one and that could help? and attempt to hand feed it?

bang guy

Yep. It's my opinion that they do better in pairs. If you have two they will also provide a nutritious snack for the fish & coral a couple times a month.


New Member
I've had one in my tank for about 1.5 months and i rarely see her. She sneaks out at feeding time, and then quickly hides behind the rocks until the next feeding. I added an Atlantic anemone today, and she seems very curious about it...but hides as soon as any thing else in the tank comes nearby. I hope she don't end up as a treat for the anemone, lol.