Peppermint Shrimp


New Member
I currently have two large peppermint shrimp who seem to constantly be...ummmm....making baby shrimps
I am curious as to if there are any way to keep the little guys alive? At least once a month I see them after the lights go out and they are everywhere flying around the tank...then they are gone the next day.


I had the same thing they would come out of the holes in my rock when I fed and would grab food then disapear after a week or so.


New Member
Nah....I am positive they are shrimp....I examined one this last time...pretty cool....but they only last one or two nights...then they are no where to be seen....


I actually have baby peppermint shrimp in my tank hidding in the rock at night with a flashlight I see small shrimp running around.


I just got some too! I saw a shrimp laying eggs a couple at a time, trying to hide them from the other shrimp who were eating them. I guess she found a good spot in my live rock, a hole about 1/2 inch wide. I just noticed at least 4-5 tiny red shrimp "dancing" around the hole entrance and running in and out!

bang guy

Originally Posted by angelspot
I actually have baby peppermint shrimp in my tank hidding in the rock at night with a flashlight I see small shrimp running around.
Those are probably adult Mysid Shrimp. Baby Cleaner Shrimp can't run.

bang guy

Originally Posted by sea_squirt
I currently have two large peppermint shrimp who seem to constantly be...ummmm....making baby shrimps
I am curious as to if there are any way to keep the little guys alive? At least once a month I see them after the lights go out and they are everywhere flying around the tank...then they are gone the next day.
There's a good pamplet on the market titled How to train and raise peppermint shrimp
by April Kirkendall. This is an outstanding starter in understanding how to raise Larval Lysmata Shrimp.


I am beginning to doubt if I really have baby peppermint shrimp, and not a different, smaller shrimp hitch-hiker. A bunch of tiny (1mm) shrimp appeared a week or so after I noticed one of the 4 peppermint shrimp dumping eggs everywhere. I assumed they are peppermint babies, but the biggest are only about 1/4 inch and it has been about 1 month. How fast do baby shrimp grow? :notsure:
In other words, do I have baby peppermints or another shrimp type? They are red in color, I hope they are peppermint shrimp because I love those guys. :happyfish


Originally Posted by sea_squirt
Nah....I am positive they are shrimp....I examined one this last time...pretty cool....but they only last one or two nights...then they are no where to be seen....

last time my pep's had babies.. my fish had the best sushi meal ever!
i would see a few get a bit bigger, but they'd all be gone soon enough too