so awhile back got some peppermint shrimp to help with an aptasia problem. i admit, they knocked it square in the jaw, and took them out. they are also nice about eating the left over food that the fish don't get to, but that's about as far as it goes.....if damsals are the devil, then i think peppermint shrimp would be his hencnmen. here of late, they've become a bit of a pain. when i go to feed my corals, i have to beat them off of the corals cause they're some thieven punks. added a few snails to the tank, and looked a bit later to see two of them fighting over one snail and the other running behind the rocks with another. so the snails i put in had to take out just because i didn't want them to have a feast at the expense of my wallet. although, they did take care of my aptasia problem
thanks for the venting outlet.
thanks for the venting outlet.