No problems here. I have a skunk cleaner and a smaller pepp. My pepp usually just comes out at night though, I rarely see him unless I use a flashlight after lights out. I also have a camel shrimp that has been with me forever.
mine get along fine. It is the Coral banded's you have to worry about. Had mine for 2 years now, no problems. Have heard stories about them going postal though
I have a coral banded, two cleaners, a pepermint and a fire shrimp, and they all get along just fine. The Coral Banded went after the last shrimp I introduced, the Fire, but the battle was short lived and there was no loss of life or limb.
thanks, i was going to get a pair of each for my reef tank and wanted to check with others berforehand just to see. I didnt think there would be problems, but wanted to make sure.
thanks again
Just for clarification - Peppermint Shrimp are Cleaner Shrimp. So are Scarlet Cleaners and Blood Shrimp. There are at least 4 species of Peppermints too.
To answer the question - I always have at least two Peppermints and two Scarlets in my reef. They have always gotten along just fine.