we started with 1 cleaner shrimp, then added another cleaner and they became best pals, always hanging out on the right side of the tank together. got a fire shrimp, released him on the left side of the tank hoping he would stay there. he made his way over to the other side of the tank and hung out with the cleaners for a few days and now the fire shrimp stays on the right side, the cleaners are mostly on the left side. we haven't seen them fight and there haven't been any damage. we have some aiptasia in our tank (my own fault, bought caulerpa from a LFS that has always had some aiptasia's in their tanks) that are in the way back bottom where I can't reach them with lemon juice. would getting a peppermint shrimp or 2 be ok with our other 3 shrimps? we've had good luck so far but i don't want to push it if it would result in shrimp death. i'd rather go this route than try a copperband butterfly. i would love to have one of those, but am afraid it would nip at our clam and corals.